Halfgeek's Forum Posts

  • ByR

    Ever since I released my Ninja Legacy game, I was approached by multiple review sites, with offers to do a review on it, IF I pay them $99...

    I find that repulsive, to me, paying for reviews and sites that do that are worthless. Their sites are full of Ads already, they claim 2M unique visitors per month etc. Why are they demanding indie devs who are often poor to pay them such large sums?

    Well, because apparently that is how bigger dev studios do it. They pay for good reviews, pay for app ratings and downloads to inflate their numbers and move up the chart/search.

    I'm not successful so far, either my game is crap (which I don't think it is) or because nobody knows about it, so I cannot offer advice on marketing. I just posted some notices on Reddit on launch and twitter, thats it so far. Thinking of doing an old-school poster/business card spam-campaign around my city here.

  • My laptop with a ultra low volt i5 and its intergrated HD4000 destroys html5 games, it's not even a problem at all for desktop performance. The only issues is using older GPUs and their out-of-date drivers.

    If you have some GPU from many years ago with 256mb ram, the drivers for it hasn't been kept up to date, period. This is especially true for AMD/ATI cards, they tend to stop supporting it after about 5 years.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
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  • Lookup the tutorial / thread, cocoonjs with ads.


  • That's really funny, like how could it be worse than the other 50 odd flappy birds (including the original)?

    50? Try over 1,500 on Android so far..

  • Love it, looks very aesthetically appealing.

  • If you want a car analogy, having a functional monetization option such as Ads is as vital as having a functional break.. without it, the car is just not whole.

    A game engine made to cater for cross-platform development with a focus on mobiles should therefore, focus to have support for such basics as Ads.

  • I've successfully compiled a fairly large game (over 500 assets, 820 events) with Crosswalk and pushed it to my device without any issues. One thing I noticed is that large (2mb) audio tracks do not load right away. They appear to pre-load sort of like what you'd expect to see in a hosted game (despite them being already loaded on the device). I did move the music back to the Sound folder instead of Music as I did the same with Windows 8 and it was fine. Apparently not the case here.

    Over 3,000 Events for my game and ridiculous amount of assets. Crosswalk ate it, spat it out and its running perfect on every device I've tested so far, it's bloody amazing. Eagerly awaiting AdMob support.

    As for audio, try not to have ogg/mp4 larger than 1mb, lots of older mobiles will have stutter and lots of issues with it. Even 1mb music files take awhile to start, I normally preload music on a layout start, then play it a few seconds later to give it time to buffer.

    You don't want to add music files into sounds and vice versa, it will break sound on many mobile devices. Music = longer duration, Sound = short fx. Just stick with that.

  • Is your start game button on a layout already? If so, any instance variables you add to it, will be available for the event sheet to use.

    Menus are all about IF and ELSE chains, relying on global or object variables to check for what you need.

    Construct 2 is capable of making very complex menus, like in RPG skill trees (or even multiple skill trees). It is all down to user trial and error as well as experience to apply it.

    For your one, you obviously need a global variable (GV) "StageCompleted" or something like it, to keep track of progress.

    Then just add a check when you touch button.

    ie. For the 2nd stage.

    On Touch Object XXXXX


    StageCompleted >= 1

    Goto Layout: Stage 2 (Doing this will ensure they will not be able to touch/trigger that button until their completed stage 1 already!!)

    You can also have them greyed out unless they are up to a stage. Using the On Start of Layout to check for StageCompleted >= 1, then Change Animation of button for stage 2.

    I use opacity for my ability and stage icons, I set them all at 50 default so they are semi-greyed out, and 100 opacity when players are up to that stage or upgrade.

    Have a look at my Shop menu, took me a whole WEEK to get it work without bugs, lots of trial and error, but now if i need to do complex menus, take me a few minutes.


  • 1. Put the MoPub Banner ID code into Ads settings (under Apple Ads settings) in CocoonJS compiler. In the compiler, select AdMob as one of the networks via MoPub.

    2. MoPub marketplace review is only for their Ads. It's completely unnecessary if you use AdMob, all the Ads and revenue will be from AdMob.

    3. No need to use SDK.

  • AdMob Banner ID = ID

    Put that ID into MoPub AdMob settings and set CPM to 0.01 or 0.05, works fine for me.

  • Core features should not be via plugins. It should be default, then the developers would be inclined to leverage it with 3rd party wrappers to get it to work properly.

    ie. Flawless in Crosswalk or CocoonJS.

  • What are the permissions for your app? Is it through cocoon?

    Yup atm if you go with Ads on Android there's not much other options but CocoonJS and its horrid permissions.

    It's here if you want to test it, Ads implementation works fine:
