gumshoe2029's Forum Posts

  • I use it in practice, and as far as I can determine it gives the mouse coordinate in a local layer. For instance, I have a 10,000 x 10,000 (roughly) pixel canvas that I zoom in on. The Mouse.absoluteX and Mouse.absoluteY give you the mouse coordinates with respect to the screen. Mouse.X("layer") and Mouse.Y("layer") gives me the mouse coordinates with respect to my 10,000 x 10,000 px grid.

    I am not really certain at all how the other expression works or what canvas it is mapping from. I assume it is mapping from the c2canvas to whatever layer I specify, but I don't see why it needs both x and y coordinates to do that.

  • Nobody knows how either of these work?

  • What is the difference between these expressions:

    CanvasToLayerX("Layer 0", Mouse.AbsoluteX, Mouse.AbsoluteY)


    Mouse.X("Layer 0")


    I was using these in a large (like 10,000 x 10,000 px field) zoom and pan, and they behave much differently, despite the fact that they seem conceptually the same.

  • We currently hash the password and username together as a single unit before shipment on login, but this still requires the user's browser not to be compromised (which you can never be sure of). We are probably going to add a dynamically variant salt that the server will ship to the user's browser with a one time salt to hash with that will expire on a successful login.

    Once the user is logged in everything is tracked via a session id which ties into a server-side cache containing all session details.

    We will eventually go SSL, but for now we are in development.

  • Why don't you just use like Amazon Web Services free web servers (EC2), then you won't be making same origin calls.

    However, I did get the Same Origin calls working on my local development machine.

    Here are the relevant Apache settings:

    <Directory />

    AllowOverride None

    Options FollowSymLinks

    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"


    DocumentRoot "D:/Apache HTTPD 2.4.3/htdocs"

    <Directory "D:/Apache HTTPD 2.4.3/htdocs">

    AllowOverride None


    However, I am only using Apache as a proxy gateway server, not the content delivery server. I run all requests through Apache back to a Tomcat serlvet container which feeds all game data.

  • Right, I'll tweak it to not do that. I want it to error off if the AJAX call fails. Thanks for your awesome plugin.

  • Does your Date plugin always grab the Date() from the System clock? I have been trying to get server time (in a UNIX timestamp format) via an AJAX call, but the clock seems to be displaying my local system time, not the server time that I gave the timestamp in your example.

  • Thanks.

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  • We are making a MMO in C2 right now, but all of the hard work is done by Java servlets on the backend.

  • Ah, the two errors in the image are related, and it is directly due to my proxying. I fixed it by copying the loading-logo.png and the offline.appcache into my root directory for Apache.

  • Has anyone seen the error: "Uncaught InvalidStateError: failed to execute 'drawImage' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D' : The HTMLImageElement provided is in the 'broken' state."?

    This error appears in the Google Chrome Developer Console, and disappears when reloading the content a few times. I suspect this error is also related to the fact that the Construct JS file comes up with a blank screen on the first load, or it could be due to the fact that I am proxying all of my content through a gateway server.

    The website that I am in the process of building is here:

  • I am using Construct to build a website in addition to the game itself, and I ran across an issue where I am attempting to dynamically load content from a JSON file like:


    "p1":["This is a paragraph of text for JSON delivery. 1","500","200","2200"],

    "p2":["This is a paragraph of text for JSON delivery. 2","500","300","2200"],

    "p3":["This is a paragraph of text for JSON delivery. 3","500","400","2200"],

    "p4":["This is a paragraph of text for JSON delivery. 4","500","500","2200"],

    "p5":["This is a paragraph of text for JSON delivery. 5","500","600","2200"],

    "p6":["This is a paragraph of text for JSON delivery. 6","500","700","2200"],

    "p7":["This is a paragraph of text for JSON delivery. 7","500","800","2200"],

    "img1":["wizard2.gif", "800", "900", "0"],

    "img2":["Wizard_Male.png", "800", "400", "0"]


    where the array elements are: ["text","x-location in pixels","y-location in pixels","text box width in pixels (or 0 for images)"]

    This has required me to create a very large number of objects (and their corresponding events) per page in order in order to contain unique content in each object.

    It would be nice if you could somehow expand the "Image Animation" feature such that you can dynamically create new sprites from an animation frame (or just keep already created image sprite instances on their current frame and allow new instances to be independently flipped to a different frame), allowing the loading of multiple images into a single sprite object (and it would be nice if something similar for text objects could be implemented).

    It would expand Constructs market from purely being a game making engine into a broader website creator tool.

  • It would be nice to enable all hrefs called from the JavaScript to be pre-pended with a customizable URI string in order to support the allowance of proxy server usage with Construct2 applications.

    i.e. all href: "/images" would become -- href:"/" + serverName + "/images"

    This way I can proxy requests in Apache HTTPD around to back-end servers allowing me to firewall off the back-end server.

    I am kind of working around it, but a couple of elements (such as the 'loading-logo.png') fail to load when running Construct JS via a proxy server, but any kind of proxy server support would be nice.

  • Yea, I'll do that when I have a chance to unwind it from my proprietary work.

  • I still have sporadic problems with changing opacities on some objects. There is definitely a bug in there somewhere..