gumshoe2029's Forum Posts

  • As far as getting info, for instance, I will have a boolean that checks whether a layer is visible, then just print "true" or "false" next to the "Layer X is visible: " line in my debug text box.

    I don't know of any better way to debug multiple sheets though, sorry.

  • Basically this is what I did. The "TotalBones" "Goldcoins" and "ShieldSinglePlayer" are some of the currencies in the game, am I doing it right?

    P/S: I don't know any programming language and I'm still new to construct 2, been only using it for about a month and a half now. Pardon me for begging your help

    You do know that hashes are one-way, right? You cannot retrieve the original data from those hashes without using a GPU-enabled computer to crack the hashes.

    But regardless, the user can simply pull the variable out before you hash it.

    There is no way to protect things on the browser.

  • gumshoe2029 thats a good idea, but my question is, is there a way I can do that in construct 2?

    No, sadly. Nothing on the browser is ever safe. Anyone using Chrome Developer Tools or Firebug-like tools will be able to tweak any of your JavaScript source/variables at will. You have to store data on a server to be truly secure.

    [quote:1uzwip9o]As far as actual data protection, anything on the server is safe.

    No data on a PC connected to the internet is safe per se.

    Well, yes, but for most people, they are adequately low priority targets to call the server "safe". You can use proxying, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems to deter attackers also. All of our game servers are not connected to the internet directly; they go through a firewalled/IPS gateway server first who proxies all requests back.

  • Yea, it would be nice if it searched across event sheets.

    The gate is the piece of code that watches the flags. Compares the flag to the proceed value, stopping the flow of execution until the flag value is set appropriately. You can also gate on other things than flags, like layer/sprite visibility.

  • You can use the "Event Search" under the Events tab. Just type in an object name, and it will limit the present Event Sheet to only events including that object.

    General debugging tactic is to have a debug layer on top with an odd colored text box and output parameters as needed to check their value, or use if/then to display text representative of other properties.

    The greatest enemy of mine so far has been the asynchronicity of JavaScript. Every one of your events goes off at the same time, and you have to use flags or gates to stop that and force it to behave synchronously.

  • I have had to manually construct tables using text objects and framework sprites since table objects do not exist yet.

  • I have chewed on the same question, and presently I am planning on using an active integrity engine.

    My basic idea so far is this:

    1) Have a bit of JavaScript in Construct that uses the Document.InnerHtml to get all of the end user source and or at least the c2runtime.js code and wrap it up into a hash and ship it back to my server to be compared with what the c2runtime source Hash should be.

    2) If the client either fails to respond to the integrity engine in the appropriate time frame or responds with a bad (e.g. modified) c2runtime hash, then the server will nullify their session and instruct the client to kick them off of the game with an error message and a customer support email to contact.

    It definitely requires an active server to constantly process the hashes, which we already have up and running, but some people may not.

    As far as actual data protection, anything on the server is safe.

  • Your family solution works perfectly. It allows me to roll all of those OR conditions into a single condition, which allows me to combine them with my AND conditions.

    The mouse cursor now turns to a hand whenever the cursor is over any of my website's buttons and back to an arrow when it is not.

  • Excellent, thanks.

  • I forgot about families.

    Can you do "Mouse-overs" for families?

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  • It changes the cursor to a hand and back based on whether the mouse is over a button or not.

    The flag exists because I needed a composite AND condition in the OR, and you cannot do that in Construct (that I know of). So, I have the flag set to change based on that AND condition set.

    What I have there is exactly how I want it to work... except that it doesn't work. If the mouse is over any button OR the logoFlag is 1, it should change to hand, and back when none of those are true.

    I am looking at flagging the entire system, so that the mouse-over OR block changes the flag, and the AND block changes the flag, then the flag control the hand/no hand.

  • I am having an issue with mouse-over + System:compare local static variable combined in an OR statement:

    When I use only the mouse over conditions, it works. Likewise, when I use only the compare, it works fine. However, when combined only the mouse overs work.

    Ideas on why this is behaving spastically?

  • If I have to guess, you are using GSON to export that data. Use something like:

    gson.toJson(object).replaceAll("\\\"","\"") on the server side that should fix your slash issue.

    If you don't have access to the server side, you can use a custom JavaScript function in Construct to do almost the exact same thing too.

  • Use the developer tools in your browser to see if it is making the call to a file that actually exists.

    If you can load the file in your browser, Construct will be able to find it too (assuming you are telling Construct the proper place to look).

  • You could use Amazon Web Services EC2. They offer micro-size instances for free for one year.