gumshoe2029's Forum Posts

  • Do I put replace() and RegexReplace() inside the array Insert?

    You can use it at any place. The main difference between replace() and RegexReplace() is that replace() actually returns a string text for use, while RegexReplace() just overwrites the existing text in the argument.

  • When you select "Run layout" from the capx, it creates a local virtual server to run the preview on. I still think you might be using the wrong method, but I have not done file uploads in Construct yet.

    Look here for a similar issue:

  • Thanks for updating the post with reasons why it didnt work. That will help future people that find this post.

  • You guys are building this in Construct? Are you using something like Spine or such?

  • You made your title super general, and your post sound like you are looking for work.

    You should be more specific, lol.

    I am not as dextrous with animations yet, so I won't be much help.

  • I'll test it out on our client later, but I had issues with stuff staying where it was supposed to earlier. I'll build a test client sometime and show (along with another far more meddlesome issue that I need to resolve at some point).

  • Make an array of 500 locations, then do:


  • Radulepy Sure, go ahead. Email me your capx: hasan555x ~qlg@~ gmail ^. ^ com

    You might want to change that to something like:

    hasan555x *at* gmail dot com

    The web-crawling bots will find your email, and you will get armadas of spam...

    • Engaging story
    • Complex and quirky characters
    • Explorable world
    • Thorough (but not too thorough, don't go all Path of Exile on me) character stat/item development.

    We are building an MMORTS, so if you are willing to work for free, we can find a home for you. We have an RPG on the drawing board at the moment too, but it has to wait for a bit.

  • Why not use the viewport expressions?

    They do exactly the same..

    Using the (0) for layer zero (1) for layer 1, you can reference the correct layer the sprite is on so it will consider the scaling and paralax..

    I would if that actually worked, but when you use "Crop" those expressions are no longer reliable for highly scalable layers. The CanvasToLayer expressions haven't failed me yet...

  • Try Construct 3

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  • replace() or RegexReplace() are your friends... or maybe estranged fourth cousins.

  • To know if there's something wrong with your code, we'd need to see your code..

    Otherwise you suffer from LittleStain's signature. Horrifying. :-p

    I have built a client that creates and maintains the position of up to 150,000 sprites at once before.

  • Well, I imagine if you made your own signalling server, you could avoid the Google ones. C2 uses the Google ones since they are free and available. I am planning on using a centralized server to avoid the need for a signalling server altogether.

  • I have been fiddling with this too.

    This post contains messages sent back and forth from the "Multiplayer Test client" project that is built into Construct.

    I tried to reverse engineer the message structure, but I have not taken the time to build a Java-based Web Socket server.