Alright, I hear you — If I find a solution before than, I'll definitely let you know. Could you do the same for me? Also, have you ever heard of Ludei? Can't we use that instead of Intel XDK? Can you use admob with Ludei?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
piszozo Well, can you point me in the direction of a good Ludei tutorial (can you use Admob with Ludei)?
[thanks for answering by the way!]
Bump! Has no one else had a similar problem?.......... Is no one at all able to help me out?
— I see. So, is there a solution? What are you going to do? Personally, I can't find a solution for this problem any where...
Can someone please give a link to the old (working) version of Intel XDK that works with admob (I can only find the new 2016 version now)?
— Is that what he's saying? To download the old version of Intel XDK, and use the old cranberry ID (this one?: as well?
Bump.... pleeeassse.... someone help.
essa Ali , are you saying to download the old version of Intel XDK, and use the old cranberry ID (this one?: as well? Because yeah, I just tried to do the same thing (put in the cranberry id) but it just keeps loading like this (it has been for loading for like 15 min now).
Could a button not be working because app hasn't gone through the Android (Crosswalk) build yet? Could that be why my button's not working in the XDK emulator?
Hey piszozo, —, zenox98 could you guys (or anyone else who can) please help me out with this export problem? I'm freaking out here man lol. I don't get it. It works fine in chrome and firefox, but not it the Intel XDK emulator.
Bump (please... I really need some help).
Please, I really need help...
Hey frozenpeas! Thanks man.