Gougth's Forum Posts

  • hey Ubivis,

    i was just wondering whether there is an option to set the size of a tile. I'm using 64x64 tilesets for example and would like to use this plugin :3

    does this plugin only work with 32x32 atm?

    edit: Could you add an option to make every wall be twice as big for I need 2 tiles in weidth and height to display a wall correctly. I added a screen to explain it. But best would be to make it possible to change the size of the individual "tiles"

  • Pariunos

    you could use the bullet behaviour for the object you want to be pulled to the black hole.

    Then check if the object is in a certain range (use "distance(blackhole.x, blackhole.y, object.x, object.y) of the black hole and then activate the bullet behaviour and set its angel towards the black hole.

    If its overlapping the blackhole destroy it.


  • ahr Ech

    only 20x20? They seem to be soo big! At least my 64x64 char seems to be so small in fullscreen (compared to your humans)

    Which programm do you use to paint them? PS?

    Bullet behaviour you say? Intresting... I guess that would work for my enemies as well. Atm they work with the pathfinding behaviour and get often stuck etc, never thought about the "easy way" with bullets. I'll defenitly try this out asap.

    That'd be great! I'll contact you for sure if I got any other questions, thanks for the offer! I can't tell you how much I appreciate it!

    The bug has not happened more than once (havn't played through so many stages tho'). I am not quite sure when it occured but I'm positive that I didn't kill a boss before since I havn't seen one yet (haha). Nevertheless I think it occured on a saved game. I finished only one stage, saved and was loading it several hours later.

    btw: how do i refer to your name since it has a space character in it?

    edit: The bug occured again. I was loading a saved game, died and joined the "starshatter" thing through the skullteleporter. At the end it gives me again 2 options to return to the base. Hope it helps!

    edit2: when it occured once, it occures the whole team when finishing a level! Also both options are working as intended and teleport you back into the base.

    edit3: there was an enemy ("small one") floating through the space instead of staying at his island

  • Hi ,

    set a timer to the object you want to spawn. On start of layout = start timer. if (timer) => system.spawn object.

    But I'm not quite sure if u can set a timer when the object has not been created yet.

    Otherwise try it with system.wait(3) on layout start!


  • Hey gerrard1995,

    let me quickly recap it, just to be sure:

    1.) player one picks a 4 digit number

    2.) player two picks a 4 digit number

    3.) when any number matches it says "T" (=true?) if not "V" (=false?)

    You could achieve that by putting the digits into two arrays, e.g. 1# (1|2|8|6), 2# (2|3|5|9).

    Afterwards you check the single places of the array one by one.

    I don't understand the rest of the game concept tho.

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  • Aphrodite

    thanks for the idea, havn't thought about "for each" in this case! And as Magistross pointed out that was the key to success! Thanks!


    thanks a lot mate, thats exactly what i wanted to do! I love it to see that there is still so much to learn for me. It seems so obvious and easy in your version, i couldn't have thought about it beeing that easy.

    Thank you all very much, you've helped me to unravel my thougths about recursion in c2.


    i got one question left:

    1) we don't know which one is instance0 and which one is instance1, do we? Is this random or could it be always instance0 = top (while colliding) and you just coded this to be safe?

  • [quote:2w609wuw]Oh, bubble shooter. So if the number of bubbles in a row that has the same color is 3 or more, it has to be destroyed. Am i right?

    they are destroyed if 2 of the same color are colliding. If there are even more than those 2, all of the same color should be destroyed, yes!

    [quote:2w609wuw]And you want it to check if the color is the same just for a certain row, in both direction from a bubble, instead of all the rows. right?

    yeah, we just focus on a single row for the moment. There are always 2 bubbles involved in crash since they have the same speed and start at opposite positions. Yes.

    [quote:2w609wuw]Now i'm just wondering what you mean by recursive function. You mean a function that has to check for all the colors?

    I thought about a function which has to call itself again if certain criteria match. It is called to check the next one in the row. If this one matches, it calls itself again with the position of the last matching bubble again and if this also matches it calles itself again and so on.

    It is so difficult to explain this without the capx!

  • priyanka19

    you could save each date in an extra array while splitting them up 1# (31|07|14) and 2# (29|07|14).

    Then you compare the spots of the array, starting from the very back. This wil result in many if and else clauses as you want to know which one is older and how much older but should be completly doable.

    same with the time.

  • Pandy

    no not exactly like that. It should be checked in two directions. The bubble above the upper one (who had collision) should be checked. If it matches the color then the next one above should be checked and so on. Like a "pop function" on a stack. Same goes for the lower ones (lower than the lower bubble which has collided)

    while (nextOne.color = searchedColor{
  • Hey folks,

    as I was taking a break from my main project, I unfortunately stumbled upon a problem in my new project.

    You will see two streams of bubbles facing each other from different directions (top & bottom) and as they collide they are destroyed. If two bubbles share the same color you will receive a point. By clicking on a bubble you will destroy it and so manipulate the streams. However I want to check if there are more than 2 bubbles of the same color in a row (like in every bubble shooter sort of game). If so they all should also be destroyed and some extra points shall be given.


    So the pseudo code should be something like this:

    int score = 0;
    if (bubbles collide){
                    if (colors of bubbles match){
                        score = score + check_upper_Neighbours() + check_lower_Neighbours();
    /* same with lower_Neighbours */
          temp_score = 0;
          if (color of bubble above matches){
               temp_score +=5;
         return temp_score
    So what I am asking is help to develop this idea since recursion always makes my head want to explode 
    I hope you get the rough idea! 
    [i]bubble_forum_capx.capx[/i] contains the recursive function (isn't working).
    And[i] game2.capx[/i] contains a working project without recursive function to understand what I want to achieve.
  • ahr Ech

    this is incredible. I'm missing words for it. so freaking nice!

    besides the fact that it showed me that my beginnings on something similiar are just silly attempts, it's really great!

    Definitely something i would even consider buying.

    btw. which size is your main char's sprite? 128x128? are you planing to release the source as well? I think i could learn so much from it (specially when it comes down to enemy movement (yours seems not to be that typical buggy pathfinding sort of thing )


    edit: I'd love to leave the game easier tho. atm I have to go back to the title screen to close it permanently.

    edit2: i guess i found a bug in stage 1: at the end crystall i get 2x the option to go back to the base (screen)

  • Thanks for the fast answer!

    Where is the difference? And how do I compare the other one since i can't find any condition/index command to check it.

    edit: I got it, thanks. I have to check function.param(1) since it's the 1# parameter not the 0th as u mentioned.

    Many Thanks

  • Hi folks,

    whilst playing around on a new project i stummbled upon a problem i'm not quite sure how to fix.

    As you can see I call a function with a parameter. The first command ("set animation [...]") in the function works fine, which means the parameter is correctly set to a string called "down" or "up" or whatever since my animations are named in that way.

    However the subevent conditions are not triggered even if the parameter has to be "down" (triggered on touch). Can anyone explain this to me plausible?

    Thanks in advance!



  • Icarus

    best C2 game (graphics+gameplay) I've ever seen so far.


  • Raicuparta

    definitely design it around indivual for every song