Hi everyone, I'm new and been searching the forums for days and read through numerous topics related to my question. Like most people, I built for Android Crosswalk via XDK using PhoneGap IAP plugin instead of the C2 IAP plugin. I read that if you use the PhoneGap IAP plugin for iOS build, it would work. So I basically exported the same project that I did for Android, except build it for iOS. The result is it successfully triggered the "Is store available" event with action "Add product ID" and "Request store listing" but when I press a button to buy something, nothing happens. So some of my question is as followed:
1. Does Apple need to approve your In-app purchases before you can test IAP?
2. In C2, when you select the PhoneGap IAP object, there's a property for Android application license key. I'm guessing if you build for iOS then nothing is required in that field?
3. What third-party plugins are you guys using to make IAP work for iOS? (I added the cc.fovea.cordova.purchase and it's asking for a BILLING KEY which I don't know what to put for iOS.)
4. Does Cordova CLI Version affect anything? I have it on 5.1.1 when building iOS but 4.1.2 when building Android Crosswalk.
The whole game itself is working fine except for IAP. Nothing happens when I click "buy" on any of my products when testing. As a note, I've set up everything on iTunes Connect and submitted my game for review. IAP is also being reviewed. Also, the product ID in itunes is also same as the one I use in C2 when adding product ID so I don't think there's a problem there.
Any help is greatly appreciated.