Gigatron's Forum Posts

  • zenox98

    Thank you , sure forgot the sky color but done now, you can mix top and bottom colors like the arcade game Space Harrier;

    This fx now updated with sky color mixer ;

  • matriax

    Sorry but no time here i am working to finish trailblazer;

    If you need help i can collapse each face to on/off but next week ;


  • christ59

    This is not bug but du to the math calculation with 0 , set Dx to 0.0001.

  • matriax

    You can add uniform flag like up,down,left,right,back,front after that check those values by 0== off or 1.0== on;

    example from 2.5d plarformer cube;

    if(face_left_right==1.0)  mate = texture2D( samplerFront, uv ).xyz * abs(wnor.x);
    	if(face_up_down==1.0)     mate = texture2D( samplerFront, uv ).xyz * abs(wnor.y);//+ 
    		                           //  texture2D( samplerFront, uv ).xyz * abs(wnor.y);
    	if(zz_face==1.0)          mate = texture2D( samplerFront, uv ).xyz * abs(wnor.z);
    	if(all_face==1.0)         mate = texture2D( samplerFront, uv ).xyz * abs(wnor.x)+ 
    							         texture2D( samplerFront, uv ).xyz * abs(wnor.y)+
    								     texture2D( samplerFront, uv ).xyz * abs(wnor.z);	
    In the mario cube case you can ignore face with adding colors in place of texture;
    [code:33n8l88a]if (mc == asn.x) {
            return mix(texture2D( samplerFront, uv*vec2(0.25,0.33)-vec2(-0.25,-0.335) ).xyz, vec3(0.,0.,0.), ln.x)*brdf;
  • delgado

    Road is now ok based on tilemap ... easy to make road now,

    I am now busy with Collision based on Rojo 2d to 3D map explanation..

    S key for speed, X for decelerate arows key for platform style game;

  • Just inform C2 community this fx is now released and working well;

  • matriax

    For the moment I will stay on C2. And wait until C3 is well under development. My first impressions are bad yes , I don't like it at the moment. So I continue on C2 that I find fantastic when I saw C3

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  • I have done some modification for this shader.

    Starting with 64x64 sprite tiled and projected in 2.5 D exactly like Space Harrier floor, look the

    live demo; just need to update .xml file and will release it soon ; every 3+random(5) seconds the texture is changing;

    you can move rectanle with arrow keys;

    Have fun;

  • I wonder how will can edit effects in C3 since the addons are added using a manager and seems we can't edit them at least in this beta :S


    Allready looked inside C3 ......

    for example ... cr.shaders ={}


    cr.shaders = {};
    cr.shaders["myfirstshader"] = {"src":"varying mediump vec2 vTex;\nuniform lowp sampler2D samplerFront;\nuniform mediump float pixelHeight;\nuniform mediump float lineHeight;\nvoid main(void)\n{\nvec2 uv=vTex ;\ngl_FragColor =vec4(uv.x,uv.y,0.0,1.0);\n}","extendBoxHorizontal":0,"extendBoxVertical":0,"crossSampling":false,"preservesOpaqueness":true,"animated":false };
    Not hard to adapt all shaders i have, but syntax is bad !!!
    To edit shader now you must work on local mode ;
    I was expecting something spectacular, for now I find C2 much better.
    Especially as I see glmatrix 1.0.1 ... a real nightmare, am I dreaming ? 
    However i am on  C2 until 2019 ... and continue to make shaders
  • OK thanks but for #define... (#define REPEAT_Y 1000.0) I leave it like that ?

    Yes #define is same ;

    lerp not exist in glsl but here is the function ;

    vec4 lerp(vec4 colorone, vec4 colortwo, float value)
    	return (colorone + value*(colortwo-colorone));
    OR use glsl mix;
  • are those 3d models? cause r0j0 just found a way to load .obj files and render them on c2


    Rojo does wonders on C2 especially in 3D. This effect is just based on a simple image cut in half. So no object 3d, just simply

    demonstrate how mapping 2 face of image for rotating card or coins;

  • >

    > i was just asking for something like a resizable iframe that loads a 3d object, but a 3d layer would be amazing, it will be really cool just to be able to import 3d objects to C3 and the idea of the "3d layer" its cool.


    I've been hoping for something like this as well. Even if you make 2d games, it would be nice with an option to maybe add some small little neat 3D elements. Maybe for the UI, or coins or boxes, cards that can flip with a bit of 3D feel. It doesn't have to be full feature 3D, with shader engine, etc etc... Just the 3D effect. maybe load a simple model in some cases, that you can rotate in more than one axis.

    Or Like when flipping a card. Currently if you want this effect, you would have to pre-render a sprite animation of X amount of frames. For a simple effect like that you would be using a lot of memory budget.

    Even CSS can do these kind of effects. So would be very nice to have it in games HTML5 games as well.

    I'm making my game in 2D isometric, but the characters I would prefer to have in 3D, so I wont be limited by 8 direction pre-rendered sprites. I love 2D but sometimes you just want a little bit of 3D effect, or small 3D objects in games. I'm considering recreating my entire game using Q3D or Babylon plugin, just so i don't have to create 200+frames for each character (several walking, running, death, animations in 8 different directions). But it would be much nicer if there was some support for simple 3D objects. My main issue right now is editing levels in 2D view, using Babylon or Q3D which is a bit of an hassle, since you constantly have to preview to see how things are going to look. Tweak, preview, tweak, preview.

    If it's possible to have a 3D layer, that would be awesome, but even better would be to a 3D object, kind of like sprites, but with one more dimension.

    Anyway, I don't need full 3D support in C2/C3, but at least a better way for the plugin makers to be able to make use of a 3D viewport for editing levels in 3D.

    This fx can be done with C2 glsl ;

    Box based 2 face demo i ve done in the past ;

    Credit card and sound from www;

    And Sure Mario Cube do that ;

  • iyenal222

    float4 = vec4

    float3 = vec3

    float2 = vec2

    float = float

    0.12345798f = 0.12435798

    You must find functions (permute, noise, etc ... in glsl syntax)

    For example :

     float4 taylorInvSqrt(float4 r){
                    return 1.79284291400159-0.85373472095314*r;
    become : [code:3fzl07i2]
    vec4 taylorInvSqrt(vec4 r){
                    return 1.79284291400159-0.85373472095314*r;
                } [/code:3fzl07i2]
    Hope this will help;
  • Hi nice people

    2D road system for unique layer ... if i done it you can draw 2.5d road to deep 'z'

    Quick trail blazer game done with shader ... to do collison ...

    Unifinised yet ...

  • can you add function to remove light effect? i dont really need it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad"> , but the whole effect is really awesome!

    Sure ; Brdf Removed now , (Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function ).

    the fx based on triangles :