GideonG's Forum Posts

  • Very generous! Thanks!

  • Here's a .capx pretty much showing what fisholith talks about:

    Hope this helps glitchyghost !



  • Hey there!

    I had a bit of a play around with the .capx, and I think I solved your issue. Try adding a "for each sprite" as an extra condition to both your events, like so:

    Which should fix the issue.

    Hope this helps!



  • Love these tiles! Fantastic job! If I ever make a 16x16 dungeon crawler, these are on the list!

  • EncryptedCow I did wonder about that, yeah. It's an issue I've never come across, but yeah, now you say that it makes perfect sense.

  • One way I would try would be so that on collision, a certain variable (for the sake of this example call it 'switch') is set to 1, so:

    Sprite 1 on collision with sprite 2 -> 'Switch' = 1

    Then have a second condition that is Sprite 1 is NOT in collision with sprite 2, set 'switch' back to 0.

    However, make a third condition where if sprite 1 is in collision with sprite 2, AND 'Switch' = 1, wait 2 seconds before setting 'switch' to 3, then use "If switch = 3" for the condition for your event.

    I'm not sure if this will work fully, but it's worth an attempt.

    Hope this helps some!



  • Hmm, then you need to also add a condition to state something like "on created" or "on start of layout" so that the first text it is set to is then fixed. Otherwise every time the condition is met it will re-evaluate the text in the variable.

  • If what you're trying to do is what I think it is, you should be able to find the data (in this case the text) by calling objectname.variable name. So as an example, if you had a sprite called "Player" and wanted a textbox to display the life of 'Player' you would have an action that set the text of textbox to (with no quotation marks around it so it was recognized as an expression).

    If you are doing this for multiple objects/instances, make sure you use something to pick the correct instance, such as 'pick nearest' or 'pick nth instance' or some such.

    Hope you have some luck in trying to solve your issue!



  • The easiest way I can think is the 'wait' action (it's a system action) stick it at beginning of whatever event starts you match, and you can queue the events via 'wait' for a customizable amount of seconds.

    Hope this helps!



  • Really great visuals on this one!

  • Yeah, I thought that may be the case. Figured it was worth a suggestion in case it worked. As Colludium says, you may need to look into 3rd party plugins and such. All the best in trying to solve your problem!

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  • I'm not too sure if there is an 'official'/ correct solution to this, but a workaround that could work (though I'm not sure if it would be hugely effective) would be to momentarily change the view to encompass the entire layout for the moment before the snapshot is taken, before returning to the regular view. That way even if the snapshot is purely the current view, it would be a view of the entire canvas.

    If you did it within a small space of time, chances are the user wouldn't even notice.

    I hope this helps somehow!



  • No worries man.



  • This is a really simple yet insanely fun game. I love how simple the concept is, yet deep the gameplay is, and it looks great! Kudos on a great game!

  • These are some fantastic free resources! Keep up your generosity and fantastic work!