george2011's Forum Posts

  • Ok never mind BUT now when a projectile colides with player projectile destroys it sibtracts players health but in game it didnt subtracted

  • SO Im making a game theres is code when players Health is Equal to zero layout reset it doesnt resets and IM very tired of it! simple bugs always! i tried everything i tried if health is less then 1 or health is less then or equal to 0 IM 100% sure that this isnt supose to happend by the way im using construct 2 i never ever had problems like this i made ton of game where i put the code health is equal to 0 reset layout please help and if you want to im gonna send capx


  • Its ok i will still find solution...

  • im trying to make pizza tower fan game and i need to make outifts well its simple enugh just replacecolor effect usuful but i want to make fun outfit as an example outfit name bad bone(s?) it has image over color its a tricky one and idk how to do it pls help me

  • I am sorry it will be better if you will send me a random .CAPX file of AI for street fighter fan game please i will understand better and im gonna credit you of course

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  • UHHHH I dont get it

  • when i apply to image points apply to whole animation like it doesnt realy stays on the number its like trying to "help" here is images if you didnt get:

    this was the what i applied to whole animtion ok its good but when i check out other frames its changed number here:

    see but when i apply to that frame which was changed with spply to whole animation i tried using on that frame apply to bottom then it was the same number when i apply on first frame the apply to whole animtion please help me i always suffered with this problem. thank you.

  • I need AI like so player can fight someone im tired of making 2 player fighting games!

  • Well I know how to do AI to randomly choose what to do i can make variables what will it perform attack special move jump ETC but i need to make it know when to do is it good time to jump attack or when to do stuff you know! just like in fighting games please share capx or help me in other way thank you for reading and sorry for not so nice language!

  • Im making street fighter 2 fan game and I to make AI for enemies and bosses how do I do it it got to be smart it needs to know when to block crouch if there is like attack tatsumaki senpu kyaku attack so it wont get hit by leg please help me thank you

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  • hey there yojona I saw one of your cool behavior in youtube it was mario coinbox thingy but when i click the link of the behavior it goes to construct 3 ad thingy like to buy a guided thingy thing you know so can you send me other link for it? pleeeeaaaassee i need it so much thank you ;)