GeometriX's Forum Posts

  • R0J0hound, you're a legend. Thanks mate, that worked perfectly. Also managed to solve my crude workaround that required linear damping on the regular thrusters, so cheers!

  • Ah, damn, I forgot about that plugin, too :/

    Sorry procrastinator, I've removed that as well. The broken while event as well. Must've been left over from some testing I was doing.

  • Thanks for pointing that out, I forgot that I had any third-party plugins installed, and I didn't realise that a capx requires those plugins even if they're not used.

    I've re-uploaded the file to its original location. If anyone has any advice for me, I'd really appreciate it!

    Whiteclaws, thanks, but that has no effect on this problem. Forward isn't activating at all between the speeds of 120-240 because of the conditions I've set up, but that's the only effective way I know to limit the regular forward speed, which I need to do one way or another (hoping the "another" part is what someone can help me with).

  • Still struggling with this problem. Is there anyone who can help me?

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  • Hi everyone. I hope those of you with a greater understanding of math than I have can help me with this issue.

    I have a top-down space shooter type game. I'm using custom physics-based movement to propel the ship. What I'm struggling with is the following:

    I have two max speeds set for my ship, VarTotalMaxSpeed and VarAfterburnerMaxSpeed, set to 120 and 240 respectively. I've got all the motion working quite well except for one little snag: While I want to limit the afterburner usage with limited fuel (not implemented in my example file), I want my player to always have the ability to manoeuvre with the basic thrusters, but due to the way I've set up my events, when the player is going between the speeds 120 and 240, they can only use their afterburners.

    Essentially what I want is a way for the player to use the regular thrusters at that speed, but only to slow down the ship, by flipping it in the opposite direction of travel and pressing the up button. Activating the regular thrusters would have no effect if the player continued in the same direction.


    What I'd like to accomplish:

    <img src="" border="0">

    Thanks in advance!

  • Hi Ashley, just found this topic because I need the same functionality for something I'm working on. In my particular case, I have a single object that is given multiple animations, and those animations are only set on runtime, but I'd like to pin other objects to them quite precisely.

    I'm sure I could find a workaround for now but it would be very handy if this feature could be implemented.

    Any idea if this could be included in a near release?

  • Thanks Geometrix that's awesome, this is how I envisaged ImagePoints working but obviously not! Sorry I'm new!

    curv My pleasure :) I've only been using Construct for a few months so I know what it's like when you're just starting out. The thinking behind image points seems to be purely as pre-designated XY values for images, usually used for spawning new objects or when moving objects. So they're perfectly suited as particle spawn locations, for example. I've been using multiple image points extensively in my current project and they're a godsend.

    Thanks for the capx that's exactly what I need. So is pinning the way to go for this or do I add a box to the actual image?

    Yup, you'll need to pin the collision boxes to each image piece so that they follow along when the pipes are moved or rotated. Pinning is always relative to its location before it's pinned, so position it first, then pin it.

  • I'd suggest that you create a very small, invisible block that is stuck to each image point on each pipe object. Testing to see if they're facing each other then just becomes a matter of testing whether a block is overlapping another block.

    capx, without the grid system implemented.

  • Ah, brilliant. Thanks Silly oversight of mine :/

    I've added those changes and re-uploaded the capx. Still here.

  • retrodude Here's a capx that I made for someone else who requested this same feature. It's not perfect (captured area seems to be offset for some reason, probably a silly one), but it has the basic idea that you want. capx

    I'd suggest that you also take a look at R0J0hound's canvas plugin for more advanced drawing tools.

    The way I see it, you have two options when the player is finished "drawing" the objects: either capture the canvas space with a screenshot (like in my capx), or capture the position/angle of the objects and recreate that fully in-game. The latter could make for some interesting custom animation if you use physics joints, but could also be very sprite-heavy, possibly to the point of slowing down the game.

  • If I understand you correctly, you want your car to behave like an articulated vehicle?

    Like this?

    Car behaviour will be fine for controlling the vehicle, but you need to assign both the car and the carriage to have physics behaviour, too. Don't forget to set world gravity to 0, and spend some time learning about physics behaviour to configure things like angular damping.

  • Assuming you don't want to make invisible the objects as they're touched, your best way to keep track of the current objective would be with instance variables.

    Your link gives me a 404, so I'll approximate what I mean:

    Create an instance variable for each sprite, a boolean called "target" or something. Set to false to begin with. Then, along with each touch condition, create another condition that the sprite's target must be true to perform the actions.

    Now what you want to do is create the mechanism for altering that boolean as you go along. For each new objective, you should nominate the next target by changing its variable to true. Then, when that object is touched, set its variable to false, play the sound and set the next objective's variable to true.

    I've included a very rough capx so you can see what I mean: capx

  • Unmerciful Give them a specified random range on the Y axis, like random(1,100) or whatever works in your layout.

  • Sorry, that was probably the wrong word to use. I just meant "set", but I was thinking along the lines of the nine predefined image points (bottom left, centre, etc.) as they correspond with the num pad, so in a way it is something that's selected.

  • The image points on your attack and player boxes were wonky.

    Here's what I did:

    1) Set your playerbox to mirror along with your character on turning left/right. This mirrors the imagepoints as well.

    2) Created a new imagepoint for playerbox (imagepoint 1; you actually referenced it a few times without it ever being created) that was aligned on the ground and out a bit to the side.

    3) Reset the attackbox origins to be at the center/bottom.
