GeometriX's Forum Posts

  • Yup, it'll stay in the same position.

  • Any object that's set to Global in the properties pane will not be destroyed upon changing layouts. If you want a global HUD/UI, I suggest that you create it on its own layout, and when the game starts go main menu -> UI layout -> level layout.

    Make your sun and moon objects (and anything they're attached to) global as well.

    In both instances, just be sure to manage them properly when you go back to the main menu or any non-game layouts. They'll still be there; easiest way is to just set them as invisible. For interactive UI elements, be sure to set their interaction conditions to include "is visible" so they're not activated when they're hidden.

  • Even with javascript, I don't think there's any way you could run an executable from what's essentially a web page. You could download the file (with the Browser -> Go to URL action), but not open it.

  • Global variables do that by default. They don't really care what layout or event sheet you're on.

  • Haha, this was the first thing I tried with the LOS plugin :P

    The thing is, you have to have smaller sprites if you want to avoid the blockiness, but then you'll probably kill performance. Chucking all of the sprites on their own layer and adding a layer effect of blur horizontal and vertical helps reduce the blockiness to some extent, but it's still pretty chunky.

    There's probably some fancy stuff that one could do with the canvas plugin, and using a lot of sprites as nodes to build a gigantic polygon, but that kind of stuff is a bit beyond me.

  • There are many ways to do this, but I'll give you a breakdown of how I do it:

    • One layout per level.
    • Create a global UI layout which is only visible and active in a level. The prevents you having to recreate your UI in every layout (a major pain if you want to adjust it later). Alternatively, create your UI at runtime with events.
    • Use a few global variables to record your progress (Score, CurrentLevel, UnlockedStuff, etc.).
    • At the end of each level (or in the score screen, if you have one), chuck all the important global variables into WebStorage, then wipe all of them. Restore the important ones back from WS.
    • Jump to your next level.
    • In your main menu, have an option for new game (starts at level 1, wipes WS), or continue game (checks if there's WS, if there is, populate the global variables and carry on from CurrentLevel). Use a level selection screen based on the value of CurrentLevel.
  • Many of us use CocoonJS. What problem in particular are you having?

  • The first value sets each particle's opacity on creation. The second value sets the range in which its opacity can change after it's been created per second. One such usage lets the particles twinkle.

    All of the particle effect values follow that same format, by the way: the top values are for on creation, and the bottom values are for during its lifetime.

    There's no way I can think of to do what you want, though. The Fade behaviour only applies to the whole particle object (the emitter, basically), so it'll fire off once and be done with it. It doesn't affect the individual particles

    To sort-of get what you want, I suggest setting the particle opacity and starting size very low (say, 1 and ten), then setting the growth rate quite high (about 80-100). It's not perfect, but it could work for something like a jet of flame or smoke.

    Your other option is to create your own emitter using the Bullet behaviour. That way you have direct control over the sprite animations for opacity, or just use the Fade behaviour. It'll require a bit of messing around to get the same functionality as a particle emitter, but it's effectively the same thing (just with a much higher system load).

    Example capx (r135).

  • You've got some weird plugins going on there, so I can't open your capx. But it should be easy enough: Once you've taken your snapshot, create a new background object, set it to the size you want, and Load image from URL -> CanvasSnapshot.

  • Also, there is an option missing for condition object background, and selected event background doesn't seem to change anything (it stays that orange-ish colour no matter what I set it to).

    There also doesn't appear to be an option to change the "add action" text colour, unless I'm just missing it.

  • Some of the new theme colour editing options are backwards. Selected affects items when they're not selected, and vice versa. In particular, conditions and condition object text colours.

  • Great aesthetic, and quite relaxing.

    A few suggestions:

    • The coin clinking noise is perhaps a little too harsh; it doesn't quite fit in with the general peacefulness of the game.
    • It's unclear where the top and bottom borders are.
    • Some pickups appear right on the edge. I don't know if this is by design or not but it feels a little odd when it happens.
    • "Your only obstacle is yourself" is untrue: the first thing I did was test if I could wrap around the edges of the stage and I couldn't.
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  • I've encountered the same thing. I can only assume it's a bug.

  • WebStorage works on everything. You don't have to use the Windows 8 object.

  • Come on, I can't believe you've actually looked. The search "spawn random" comes up with dozens of threads - many of them solved - on the matter, with multiple approaches.

    In general, with the free version of C2, the approach is: generate a random variable (rounded to nearest whole number) within your desired range; then create a bunch of events to spawn objects, each triggered by a different value of that variable.

    With the paid version, you get access to families, which can do this all for you in a single event.