GeometriX's Forum Posts

  • I haven't played around with audio that much, but it seems to have that feature automatically, as seen in this example.

  • Paradox, Sure, you'd think so, but on a logic level the objects are still in the same place. Rotating the layout/layer is simply a visual change presented to the user.

  • This is why you should test as you go along. Never assume that everything will be fine after you've made loads of changes.

    I don't feel like trawling through your entire game, but I'll tell you where I'd start: cut out massive chunks of the game and see how performance is affected. Then narrow it down until you find the culprits.

    It's probably physics, though. Or particles, if you've got those. Particle effects murder performance on mobile.

  • You've got a lot of mixed things going on there, which breaks the physics behaviour. Don't use set position, don't use 8-direction, don't use anything that manually overrides the physics behaviour.

    Instead, rework your project so that any object involved in the physics interactions is set to use physics forces, impulses and/or torque. Anything else that doesn't directly affect the positioning of physics objects (like the box front) should not have the physics behaviour.

  • I don't see that as likely to happen. Rotating layouts/layers only affects the visual representation of the game, not the logic. No behaviour, like bullet or 8-direction movement, is affected by the rotation.

    Depending on your purpose, you might find that simply rotating a central object that the audio sources are pinned to, to be sufficient, as seen in this example.

  • Thanks, that's very useful. I do wonder if the ton of extra permissions that come with a CocoonJS game will have an impact here. Sure would be nice if we could slice off the permissions that we don't use.

  • I agree. I think the Ouya is very exciting, and if it comes to my country I'll be sure to pick it up. We have a few game devs locally who are already tinkering with it, just because it is now the easiest way to get a game into someone's living room. That's a powerful place to be.

    It'll get there, I have no doubts about it. It'll never rival the PS or Xbox, but it's not meant to. I don't think it's really meant to rival anything. It's so cheap that anyone who considers themselves a core gamer could afford to pick one up just for curiosity's sake, and anyone who considers themselves a casual gamer might grab one just because it's so cheap.

  • Here's a little example (r136). It's possibly not the most practical way of going about things, but it allows for a very straightforward timeline approach to this sort of basic animation - simply separating things with System: wait commands.

    If you want the text to "stick" to the sprite, read up about the Pin behaviour. Maybe read a few tutorials as well.

  • pixel perfick I don't see how that would be possible.

    From what I do understand of web security, any capx that you download or any game that you run in a browser (be it the arcade, Kongregate, in preview or elsewhere) simply cannot run an executable without user approval*.

    I suppose a capx could carry a dangerous exe as a project file, but you'd have to deliberately and manually extract and run that file yourself.

    *Of course, there are always way around these things, but that's just the nature of the Internet.

  • pixel perfick you'd have to run the actual exported executable in order for this to work, and any additional executables that are called would have to either be downloaded through the app or run from the folder. A capx couldn't call an exe.

    If you're worried about viruses/trojans/etc., any file will have to first get through your anti-virus anyway.

    The solution is pretty simple: don't run executables that you don't trust - the same goes for anything you download from the Internet.

    PS: A perfectly innocent reason for wanting to do this would be to create a launcher app that checks for updated versions of the game before going into the game itself.

  • You must've put the white edge on the image itself. There's nothing in the tiled background object that does this.

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  • My pleasure, and good luck with your game :)

  • Random(100,450), for example, will spawn it between 100 and 450 - it's in the manual under system expressions.

  • As always, you've got a lot of options. I'd suggest that, instead of spawning your sprites directly, use a "scouting" object to test the waters. Spawn those randomly, then, if they're not overlapping anything, it's safe to spawn an enemy or whatever. If it is overlapping then go find somewhere else to spawn.

    Here's an example capx. It'll generate new blocks until it can't any more, at which point it simply crashes when it runs out of space.

    If you want to allow some overlapping, just set the scouting object to be smaller than the objects you're spawning.

  • Just tested this myself and got the same results. I'd suggest that you file a bug report - I'm sure it's a quick fix for the team.