ganich's Forum Posts

  • I don't think so you can make a game like crossy roads because that game is made in Unity 3D, and uses 3D orientation in the game which construct 2 doesn't support. You might be able to create such a concept in Construct 2 but it won't really look like crossy roads.

  • Do you want it to move when clicking or something? Anyways, I made you an example that move towards another object when tapping the touch screen.

    First I set the path to be x and y of the second object. Then set the first object to move along the path.

    Thanks bro, I was also looking for something like this

  • I would approach this differently. I would create a Global Variable called "Speed" and set its value to e.g 400.

    Then i'll create a condition saying "every tick" > set playersprite bullet speed to ""Speed". (It should get its speed value from the global variable we created.)

    Now you can create multiple objects or whatever and link their bullet speed to the global speed variable. Now whenever you want to change the speed. Just create a condition and set the 'speed' variable value to something else. This way you can change the speed of multiple objects at once without any trouble.

    hope this helps you.

  • Crossworks performs much better than Cordova

  • ondraayyy Thank you! Is it the same for Android?

    Yes, you do the same for andriod. Go to your developers account and find your way where you list your InAppPurchase items. You can set the price there.

  • It's installed but i'm not using it for this project :S! I'm just using the normal platform plugin.

  • Edit..


    Setting the position every tick will ofcourse overwrite the sine behaviour..

    I guess adding an

    -every tick

    sprite4 move at angle(sprite4.x,sprite4.y,sprite2.x-100,sprite2.y-200)

    might get better results

    maybe adding an inverted system is between values condition to stop it when it's close enough

    I cannot post links yet so please remove the space to access the working file. Can you show me how to make it work? Just want the bee to hoveraround and follow the chicke.


  • This question might sound stupid but how can I possibly use this plugin to enhance my project? What sort of functionality can I create using this addon.

  • I don't think you need to set sine to vertical every tick.

    Have it at the start of layout and set sine behavior enabled (Vertical) or something.

    Thanks that kind of solved the hovering problem but now the bee (sprite4) isn't following sprite2 around the platform. I want sprite4 to follow and hover around sprite2. You can view the EventSheet I posted earlier for reference.

  • I know its against the rule to post again but I really want someone to help me with the last step.

  • I lerp its position to an offset of the player's position (like player. X-100, player.Y-20) then apply the sine behavior set to vertical to give a look of hovering.

    I have set the position but dont know how to apply the sine behavior set to vertical. The drone is moving above the head and following my player but it's not hovering up & down. I have added the sine behavior to the drone but can you tell me how to setup the sine movement in event sheet?

    Basically, for test purposes, I want the flying bee to follow the chicken around in a hovering state.

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  • Hi,

    I want to create an object which should float or hover in the air close to my player. (e.g at the top of my player's head) I have been wondering how I will be able to achieve that. It would be really nice if you guys can help me achieve my goal here. Thank you