funcooker's Forum Posts

  • My layout has a 32x32 grid. There is a grid of 32x32 sprites. And there is a sprite that's stretched out to cover this grid.

    However, when I go from Construct 2 to the web preview the grid shifts positions.

    I'm having this issue with other objects as well , somehow managed to get them working by changing origin points, changing their layers, etc. I honestly have no idea what is happening with this object. In the file provided its on a different layer than the objects in a grid, but if I put it on the same layer it still does this. It never seems to stay in place over the grid. Its starting to drive me nuts!

  • Thank you! This works!

    Rough demo of this in case anyone else wants to check it out: ... .capx?dl=0

  • I am trying to set up a top-down adventure game-type thing.

    Player clicks a location and the character moves to it using pathfinding. If they tap or click an object or a different character, they move in front of that object/character and trigger an animation, dialogue, etc.

    My issue is, I don't know a clean, best practices way to trigger a reaction only if the pathfinding is resolved and the character reaches their destination.

    For example, if a player taps a hammer that is across the room. The hammer has a variable that is the X,Y coordinates. The player character uses path finding to move to those coordinates. While the character is moving over, they can tap somewhere else to change directions without consequence. But if they don't and the character reaches the hammer, an animation plays and they pick the hammer up.

    What I was trying to do was have a global trigger to distinguish between the character performing an action vs simply moving, and then a variable that is a unique name for each action ('hammer'). So if you tap a blank area they can walk to the variable is set to walk, if they tap an interactive object the variables are set to action and a specific title for that action ('hammer').

    So then if they reach the coordinates for that action, while global trigger is set to action and the unique name 'hammer' matches up, it disables player input for a second and triggers the right stuff for hammer.

    None of this was particularly working for me, plus it already feels very complicated.

    Does anyone have an experience with a project like this? I can try to post a project example later but so far the general path finding is the only thing thats really working.

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  • Thank you for this script! Its really amazing and has a ton of potential.

    I was trying to deconstruct your test file to figure out how I can use this dialogue tool to my own liking. However, my dialogue practice just doesn't seem to trigger at all. ... .capx?dl=0

    I understand if you dont' have time to look at this, I'm going to keep picking it apart and maybe I'll learn something, but I'd appreciate if you had time to point out what I could be doing wrong.

    Thank you either way!

  • I just bought this system, it looks great, I'm excited to get it up and running but hitting a wall.

    I followed your steps to add the event to my own new project. Calling the start dialogue function is still not doing anything for me. Could you please add an example capx or at least a screenshot of how a dialogue box is called? Then I can at least compare and figure out what part of this I'm not getting.