Frantataa's Forum Posts

  • Ok, but 256x256(px) is small - it is 8x8 blocks isn't it?

    (perhaps i dont understood what you wanted to say me)

    EDIT: ok, i have it now, thanks a lot.

    (before i didn't seened the word array <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> )

    Now everythinkgs is like i needed to be.

  • Hi.

    I wanted to made a game with different levels, so

    i needed to create an editor first,

    but everytime i run it, it crashes.

    <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    It is a 480x320 window, the layer is 8192x8192

    (32 (one block)* 256 (- i wanted to have a big maps))

    Is problem here?

    It is too big? -is the .cap

    --> password is "construct"

    (I'm sorry if someone had the same problem before)

    (sry for my english - i'm not a native speaker)

  • Hi everybody,

    I want you to ask how i can make a group, in which

    i can have set my font for a plugin called SpriteFont.

    In some unofficial tutorial, i seen, that the font can be setted

    for all the group, but i can't do it - i have not there

    an option "choose a font" (or how it is called).

    I'm sory if it is a banal question, but i tried hard

    to find a solution, but i did not finished with succes.

    (sry for my english)

  • Ok, thanks for replying, i will start complaining.

  • "GPU-28041: Information on AMD Mobility Radeon� Graphics Drivers for Microsoft� Windows�


    Last Updated


    Article Number


    The AMD Mobility Radeon� graphics driver supplied by the notebook manufacturer is customized for the built-in display and the features and functions specific to the notebook. It is recommended to use the drivers provided by the notebook manufacturer."

    so i was at official lenovo support site and downloaded the "newer" drivers, but they was the same. (2007.0621.1715.28924)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Hi, i have a problem with construct,

    I have all sprites white. My graphic card is ATI mobility Fire GL V5250,

    with newer drivers for my graphic card.

    (Catalyst� Control Center Version     2007.0621.1715.28924)     

    <img src="" border="0" />

    and i have all projects in one folder.

    but still, it doesn't work for me.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    please help me, i will be very happy

    (Sory about my english, i don�t speak very well)

  • Hi,

    I like Construct 2,

    but he gives me an error,

    so i hope you can help me solve it.