Fistmaker's Forum Posts

  • While I'm not quite 100% on why this works, I finally do have it working. I think I had too much stuff jumbled around on my event sheet. An extra Include later and it's all working now. I think I was pointing at the wrong text box before, but I went over it again with your suggestions and all is well! Thanks again for taking the time to give me a hand!

  • Ok. I tried to take the text from my input box and transfer it to another plain text box but I'm still getting the same output. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong here. Here is the edited capx.

    Updated SeedGen.capx

  • Great! That worked. Now I dont have anymore crashes, but I think I messed up trying to use what you showed me. When I generate a new seed, I'm getting a result with letters with the numbers appended. Example: abba is given, and result is abba1221. I just want the 1221 when it's finished. Here is the capx.

    SeedGen Capx

    I'm very thankful for all of the help so far!

  • This is working great with one exception, spaces. If a space is typed into the text box, the preview and construct2 crash. Good thing I saved! Any ideas on how to fix?

  • After some testing, I have another quick question. If I try to set the seed to a string of text, the result is always the same, regardless of the text the seed is set to. I tried using numbers and it works correctly.

    So, my next question would be, how can I go about changing the string from text to numbers? Is using the replace(src,find,rep) function in the text input the easiest way to do this? This seems to be the only solution I have come across so far. Thanks again for any input!

    Ninja Edit: If replace is the best way, how can I go about iterating over the string?

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  • You are wonderful. Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for!

  • I was looking at the system expressions in the Manual, and I do see a few options for randomization. I was wondering if it was possible to generate a random number by a given variable. I've done something similar in python, and it saved me alot of time and memory.

    I am currently using an array with a random number in each point to generate terrain for my map. Now, because I cannot save a layout, I would need to save that array via web storage, or as a JSON string to be loaded later. I'm still playing with those options, but it's still a learning process.

    If I could generate the same random terrain via a Seeded Randomization, I would not need to store the terrain array, just the simple random seed in web storage. This would be WAY smaller, and save me alot of time.

    So, is there a way to create a random from a seed? Anyone know of a plugin? Or is it possible to request this feature in a future release? Any help would be wonderful!

  • Ah, ok. I have it right now. You can only reference an image point if the Sprite is on that frame currently. I just needed to change the creation of the new sprite AFTER the frame was changed. Simple mistake. Thanks for the Help!

  • I'm having trouble trying to set a Sprite to a specific ImagePoint on a specific animation Frame. Is there a way to Create Sprite at Object.AnimationFrame(4).ImagePoint(4) ?

  • Took a bit to load, but was very fun! Simple and had good music! Thanks for sharing!

  • I'm trying to have a bunch of sprites circle the player sprite. I have tried Bullet, Custom, 8Direction and I'm still having a little trouble. I want my Drone ship to follow my player ship within a range. I can't seem to keep the drone from flying off.

    So, here is my capx.

    Drone Testing

    I have the player(Pod), drone, drone range and a enemy frigate. Eventually I'd like the drone to stay within the given drone range and set it's angle toward the enemy frigate so I can make it fire when it's close enough.

    Currently, it's not pretty. I'd like some advise on how to keep the drone in the range first, and then I'll move on to having it face the enemy while still moving within the drone range. Thanks in advance for any help!

  • Just tested that out. If you set an event for the player to match y vector on collision with the platform it works perfectly. I did have to add 8 direction to the platform to do this, but setting

    Sprite on Collison with Sprite2: Sprite set Platform Vector Y to Sprite2.8Direction.VectorY

    Fixes the problem. Thanks for chiming in Kiyoshi! I hope this helps Vladoss!

  • Ah, there are a couple of reasons this is happening. Notice how the character is "hopping" in place as the platform moves down? You cannot jump if your character is still "falling". This happens because the platform is moving too fast for your character. Set the platform event to move 0.3 pixels instead of one. You'll see this fixes the error. Also, I'd recommend giving the platform a movement behavior so you can control the movement easier.

  • Screen Shot

    Here is a screen shot of the player standing on the platform on my end using the capx you first posted. I'm not sure why the player is falling through on your end, but it's working fine on mine. Have you changed anything since you first posted the capx?

  • Just tested it again and it seems to be working fine on my end. If the player jumps above the collision mask, he stays on the platform. I'm not sure what is causing the error on your side. I'm using Google Chrome 17.0.963.56. Did you update to the 18beta branch?