fisholith's Forum Posts

  • Sounds good.

    I just checked and I don't seem to have any object called fontsprite. I expect it can be found on the forums with a little searching.

    With respect to plugins in general, is there any single repository of downloadable objects, similar to the sites that index extensions for Multimedia Fusion? Alternatively is there any place, or set of places, that you would recommend looking to find such add-on objects.

    I know there is a section on the forum for plugins, but I am curious if there is any organized list or forum post that provide a simple way to see what plugins are out there.

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  • Can an Edit Box be moved or resized at runtime?

    I had planned to make an edit box part of a user drag-able panel, but I can't find a means of changing its size or position at runtime.

    One method I tried was to place the edit box in a second layout (layout 2), and then use the layout object in the first layout (layout 1). The result is that the edit box appears on layout 1 at the same coordinates that it was placed on layout 2, irrespective of the size or position of the layout object on layer 1.

  • Thanks. That was the workaround I was using. I just wanted to be sure I wasn't missing something. Thanks again.

  • I have two questions pertaining to the physics behavior.

    1: The linear and angular damping fields are measured as percentiles. What is the damping value a percent of? (e.g. If the value is set to 100, it is displayed as 100%, but 100% of what?)

    2: While the "Linear damping" field can be set to values far in excess of 100% (e.g. 5000%), the "Angular damping" cannot be set higher than 100%. Am I overlooking an option that would allow for higher angular damping values, or is this a built-in limitation?
