fireshadow's Forum Posts

  • tnk for answer me...

    but i want whit a xp bar... is possible some example?

  • like title...

    have some example???

    every kill gain exp point and whit lv up change power or other

    tnk in advance

  • tnk i solved

  • a special request ... I would like to create a game where each character has its own characteristics ..

    it works like this .. you start the game .. you enter the character selection menu .. only that each character has his own things .. who throws arrows .. who throws hammers and so on ... how do I set up the game so that at the tap of the choice of the character I go to choose the level and when I choose the level I enter the level with the chosen character .. so .. 1) how do I tie the weapons and characteristics to certain characters 2) chosen character and what I play. ..

    have example?

    tnk in advance

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  • That's why I asked about your objects acceleration and deceleration, and it is related to their maximum speed too, what you can do if you don't want to mess with those parameters, is to give them a variable or boolean, and if true, apply vector X, and turn it off with a timer

    solved tnk you

  • In that case, if your enemies uses platform behavior, you need to set their vector X and Y on player touch, and depending of their position relative to player it will be a negative or positive number for vector X, and a negative number for vector Y to simulate a small jump

    + player: On collision with enemy

    ----+ player: X ≤ enemy.X

    -----> player: Set Platform vector X to -600

    ----+ player: X ≥ enemy.X

    -----> player: Set Platform vector X to 600

    and working.. but he do just a very little push and if i change -600 whit -6000 nothing happen

  • Do you want the enemy to stay on the floor when pushed or with a little jump?

    little jump is better tnk

  • Hi, to begin with can we have some details about your game, is it a plateform game? 8 direction?

    platform behavior and is platform game.. but when enemy touch player just flash.. and i want push

  • hi to all

    when a enemy go in collision whit player i want he bounce.. like a push.. how do i??

    tnk in advance

  • You don't need "item missing" events, delete them. Also, if you want to set 20 variables, it will be a lot of code! It's easier to add them all to a dictionary and save the dictionary. See this demo project:

    Here is how I usually do this:

    On start of the game I call StorageLoad function. At the end of each level I call StorageSave.

    good idea.. i talking about whit other guy.. i try.. have added.. and not know how to add global variable or sprite or other in dictionary

  • Look for Local Storage. With that you save data locally .

    look whats wrong here???

    i do...

  • i use a system save and system load... and all working so good...

    but if i close the app when i open the game.. all progress is lose....

    at finally i need to save global variable.. and is over 20... what is a best way for do that correctly??

    thank in advance

  • Save game means save current state.

    Load means load that save.

    You would not want to save when the current state is 0.

    Save games don't work for moving to next levels.

    Perhaps this is what you are wanting instead?:

    yeah but my level is in variable.....

  • There's an example. Search save games in the Start page.

    now i do this example but not workink... that way...

    on start layout system load "my savegame"

    when health is = 0 save game when go to next lv savegame.. but no work

  • no.. whit this no need local storage???