Fimbul's Forum Posts

  • You know, I've had some success overcoming construct 2's limitations via the SDK and editing XML, so I think the "you cannot code in c2" argument is somewhat flawed.

    I wish we had better integration capabilities with the SDK, though, it's annoying when you have an extension/behavior that depends on another extension/behavior, and the lack of control options in the IDE is sometimes frustrating (the image editor can't be fully customized by the object calling it).

    Still, it is there and it gets the job done. Besides, it forces you to conform to a system, so any plugins you make are readily reusable in other places. You can actually code in raw javascript.

  • I think the best answer can be found by looking at job posting trends:


    Edit -> Source

    I wish there was an "upvote" button, this is extremely relevant and a mighty fine source.

    I would still like to know if the sponsorship model is becoming a less viable option overall or just for flash devs.

  • And yet games can be representations of reality, and works of art. It's a whole different matter if they want to forbid its usage in commercial products (i.e. to prevent companies from marketing yogurt using the symbol to invoke an idea of "healthy"), private hospitals or the like, as such uses erode the glyph's meaning, which can be dangerous come wartime.

    You are obviously better informed than I am, and you're probably (and I say probably not because I don't wish to concede to you, but because I don't have enough legal knowledge to confirm your position) correct that

    using it indiscriminately can bring a lot of legal problems.

    In my opinion, this is a thinly veiled attempt at censorship. It boggles my mind that such a simple symbol can be protected under copyright/trademark law. Maybe it's just the recent NSA/corruption scandals that have soured me to government control and are making me see everything as an attempt to stifle freedom of speech...

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Are you an american developer? If not, I'd love to hear how you plan to overcome the amazon restriction on receiving the funding.

    I'd also like to hear a comparison between kickstarter and other crowdfunding platforms such as indiegogo.

  • PKrawczynski

    What do you mean when you say "sponsors requirements are raising"? Are those requirements raising only in respect to flash, or are HTML5 games also affected?

    I got the impression from your post that the entire game sponsorship model, regardless of platform, is becoming more competitive and profit margins are slimming. Is that the case? Or is it just for flash? If it is just for flash, can you give some examples of those extra requirements that didn't exist before?


  • What is your county anyways?

  • I don't think you can get in trouble for using such a symbol in a game, due to the fact that copyrights and trademarks only apply in the setting they reference. You cannot create a health NGO with the red cross symbol, but you sure can create a clothing store.

    Besides, the red cross is much too simple, and as such any claims they might have are worthless. Beyond that, games are used to certain tropes, and such tropes are protected as public domain. Also, since they are an international humanitarian organization, it's extremely unlikely they'll take action against game developers.

    In addition, they also apparently want to patent the "red crystal" and "red crescent", and since green/blue/orange crosses are being used worldwide as alternatives, it's not hard to imagine a similar misguided movement attempting to protect them. As much as I hate bringing up the slippery slope argument, I can see this becoming a "no colored iconography of any kind on white backgrounds" law.

    The red cross society may plead and beg, but their request is quite frankly absurd, and game designers should purposefully ignore them.

    Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer, and as such my "legal" advice is worthless.

  • I would absolutely love this. The applications are immense, especially considering that you could modify the XML files that construct generates via some other source and have it spit out a game, or even a construct file. In fact, if the compiler is decoupled from the IDE, we can have some sort of server-side generated content... wow, I'm getting a ton of ideas, out of such a simple feature!

    This absolutely has to be a paid version feature, I fully agree there, there's just too much potential for abuse.

    This is brilliant! Ashley?

  • Ashley

    How about an official JSON parser plugin with javascript notation? You could have it work like this: getJSONValue("") or getJSONString("scoreboard[0]")

    Should be really simple to do, and sounds like a thing that should be made as an official plugin.

  • [...]In your code, check the properties exist as expected, so it is not broken if the user chooses a non-Sprite object.[...]

    I wish the SDK would support a "types of object allowed" parameter, so we would be able to specify that a behavior can only attach to sprite/tiled background/button/etc

    Why dont you support formal extension methods aka the decorator pattern?


  • I saw the recent changes to the licensing policy, now allowing educators and institutions to use construct 2 without purchasing lots of licenses.

    In my case, I don't have an actual school, I offer my courses and rent the cheapest or most convenient comp lab, then install my tools there.

    In this case, considering the infrastructure isn't mine,would I be able to use the education license? What about my student's personal notebooks/etc.? I can understand that last one not being an option, but I would still like to assign homework or small projects.

  • Having a circular mask would do nothing at all to help. For reference, circular "masks" are the easiest to program because you can just check the distance to another object, and when the distance is smaller than the radius of your circular collision mask, you have collided (it's a bit more complicated than that but you get the gist).

    What I would love to see, Ashley, is a way to get the normal of a surface, or at least the angle between two points in the mask, so I can make perfect collisions - since this is a bit of an obscure request, perhaps you can point me to the SDK so I can implement this myself? Is this even possible?

    Think of a laser beam hitting an irregular (as in, arbitrary shape) mirror - the reflected beam's direction depends on where it hit the mirror. Since the shape is arbitrary and I cannot fetch any data about the collision mask, it cannot be implemented (unless you use weird hacks).

  • Oh, I would love to hear how you obtain permissions from such prolific companies, notorious for being extremely protective of their respective game licenses.

    After the success of your (strangely licensed by nintendo) mario game (of which there are no mentions anywhere in the internet), a mere week after release and with no playtesting (judging by the responses you received in that thread), you obtained the license to develop this game, which you release mere days after announcing!

    Surely that's why they picked your company to develop those titles... I mean, such a fast work cycle!


    Seriously, everyone keeps asking you to be careful or you might be hit with a lawsuit, but to each their own I guess...

  • I would prefer being able to set the current position of the movement (in relation to the amplitude), for instance, set it to 0.5 to make it go to the halfway point. This way, if I want to reset, I can just set it to 0. I'd also be able to synchronize it to other systems.

    For instance, say you have a rope dangling from the ceiling. You grab the rope and it starts lowering. As long as there is still rope, some random platform (with the sine movement) moves around. When the rope ends, the platform stops. When you let go of the rope, it retracts, and the platform does it's motion backwards. In reality it's all tied to a single variable, 0 being the rope fully retracted and 1 being the rope fully extended.

  • Sorry, Steam licenses aren't transferable to the standalone version from our site. Your best bet would be to try and get a refund off Steam then purchase directly from our site again.

    This is practically impossible. Steam refunds without hassle the first time, but then "flags" your account making future refunds extremely difficult, even if the product is bad or doesn't work.

    This is not scirra's fault, steam is just bad in that department. Be very careful when purchasing there.