ffffff's Forum Posts

  • try to make your own account first,and then do that again

    already registed,what happen?


  • Looks like there should be a button for upload

    Why it does not appear


  • did you type and enter the assets?

    just before you click on build , there are tabs on top that say details and assets.

    You don't need to enter images of all assets but just icons will do.

    Also in the details tab you need to enter name and stuff. try clicking build after you do all that

    thank you very much.

    but I can't enter anything in it. It’s untypeble.


  • An error occurred while building the application. Verify your build assets are correct and try again.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • to make my apk's i use Intel xdk.

    So first download Intel xdk and make a new project. it usually creates the folder on the desktop(not sure but mine are always on the desktop).So let's say you create a project called construct in the XDK, it makes a folder called Construct 2 on the desktop .

    now export your construct 2 game using the option called android(the first one in mobile) and and export it to the folder where your intel xdk project is which in this case is construct 2 on the desktop.

    You may be asked to replace files, say ok.

    now go to the develop tab in xdk and refresh the file tree(by right clicking and choosing the last option on the left side of the xdk screen). You must see the exported files shown there. then go to the emulate tab, choose device and test it . if everything is fine, go to the build tab (you might have to login to build so make an account if u dont have one) and choose crosswalk for android which is the 4th option. it will ask you to fill in details and assets(u know, like the icon and splash screen and name and stuff). it will take some time to build and would get a screen where you can download the apk file or send the download link to your mail.

    Glad to be of any help

    thanks for help

    why that I click the “build app now” ,there is nothing happen?

  • I think, that loadingprogress should equal to 1, not 100.

    But I just started learning about loader.

    This method seems to be able.

  • It works now,thank you.

    Great tool

    so much better now

    <img src="https://byfiles.storage.live.com/y2pS4YFkcpWubXay_NUBugvuo-tJ1XWmlhhc4fuk9nLfwBjpbpM9WW4RecOfeHnBDNHLARAJaqKoVszzzrAbTCQ2bsk20_FYBDHvJ3rBUoyzFY/Clipboard_20130806.jpg" border="0" />

  • Could it be match 3 ?

  • Weird.

    I switch to the View tab and turn off snap to grid and it works without crashing.

    That was an example from a bug report, I thought it was a sprite font report, but maybe that was from a snap to grid report...

    I think , it was from "snap grid + sprite font" .

    I crash 2 times with this combination .

    But it never happen again in the 3rd or 4th.

  • Are you setting the width of each letter? You have to do that in Events. Here, see my example:


    Thank you,this is best way for now.

  • Blacksmith

    Thank you,but I can't run it on win7 64bit

    It keeps crashing.

    don't know why.

  • Sorry for my English.

    Most of sprite font tool I can found from internet export files like this

    <img src="https://cc6oaa.bay.livefilestore.com/y2pOeaJWFPMd6YAN6ymKIzkHpO9XlkQX16WiXfnQ6qYGsN5etcpLJ3r88bVkO2ImjEmh-0_9VUIICSpGg-qkQTaHag836njivtjvCdrr-Nf2kA/SF01.png" border="0" />

    In construct

    <img src="https://byfiles.storage.live.com/y2pzLplEaIJWNsvyD30pgtncfiWaXLwdXpCbCIXIWW1wzkdvFqRmMzU1U0fuI88SuC3Vbuw79x0qtEp7smv9LWEHwnV4_rTT7uxSDLWo3wpSE8/Clipboard_20130731%20%282%29.jpg" border="0" />

    then I make a sprite in photoshop

    <img src="https://cc7ziw.bay.livefilestore.com/y2pOIUwDpB3tI8q1JrXWR0te4lr95R2r7auBNIOR1g3gaib0sO7FBzxNZGMTHNsx7OZleKoFk1dBSC5_vgxvon3SnpBYRG3sYMBPFwzJh6qJco/SF02.png" border="0" />

    In construct

    <img src="https://byfiles.storage.live.com/y2p7d9srV1Vot3JPWyE0wNp2LvJsxUgDNAj8M9Q9KDVVpXiFlHY9W7MAsKx5jjnWh5_g1yegCNPPShaXp0uDKAS3wawRkkW2g9c_c0pH-1Adt8/Clipboard_20130731.jpg" border="0" />

    Yes, it's looks better , but can you see the spaces in the words?

    They are not real spaces.

  • can't run


  • How are you currently making the eyes follow the cursor?

    Thank you for reply

    every tick eye set angle toward(Mouse.X,Mouse.Y)

  • Hi forum,I am trying to make a web page with construct 2,on a whim.

    Look this please zffffff.svfree.net/web

    Mainly the eyes

    I think they are should always look at the cursor,but it only worked on the top.

    If you scroll down the page,they will look down forever,and never track the cursor.

    (eyes on a layer named UI and I set the parallex to 0,0)

    Another littel thing is

    scroll only worked on max window size some time.if you resize the window to smaller ,

    scroll will not work anymore.and then you set the window to max size again,it will work again.But this not happen every time,I only met once.

    (Now I can make it to reproduce,if camra on the top of layout(when back ground color is white) it will not scroll.else normal)


    A new question.

    When you resize the window,a normal page won't change their content size.

    but this page which I made , is a game essentially.it can narrowing to 0.

    is there any way to simulate a real page?