fedca's Forum Posts

  • like newt already alluded to:

    The way Unreal and Unity can be free is that they have a few huge AAA games made in the engine that pay millions in licensing fees (the fees are based on the games revenue as far as I know).

    With an engine like Construct 3 that (from my point of view) is more so targeted at beginners and small indies, there probably isn't as large of a revenue generated from the top games for a similar system to work.

  • you mean Sonic like movement where he rolls when very fast?

    It's just platformer movement with slow acceleration an decelleration. The spin is just animation.

    Or am I misunserstanding? Do you mean the burnout thing/dash?

  • for pick child to work the objects need to be set as children beforehand, which doesn't seem to be the case currently.

    I assume you want to pick the correct warning_error_glow.

    This can be done multiple ways, for example you could use pick neareast to sprite.

  • use the condition pick child

  • use round(random(min,max)/tilesize)*tilesize

  • Hey,

    These points are a bit too vague and can be tackled very differently depending of the exact functionality you have.

    On this website under learn there are tutorials you can check as well as the documentation.

    In case you have more specific problems feel free to ask.

    I hope that helps :)

  • the video temrminou shouldn't be a subevent of the trigger once(ativa uma vez)

    just have it as a normal event.

  • well the problem is that the loop keeps running while the conditions are true, creating a huge amount of sprites (tbh I would assume the game to crash).

    But because I don't know the context it's hard to tell what you are trying to do.

    I think what you should do instead of a while loop is:

    if oil is overlapping Sprite

    sprite.workersassigned >2

    trigger once

    than have the actions like they are

    but remove the sub events

    and instead have the on created ...

    and a normal event like

    if sprite.BuildComplete = true

    trigger once

    wait 2 seconds set build complete to false

  • add event

    select green boox

    search for on created

    (make sure there is no other trigger in your event already bc that makes it so you can't add other triggers unless it's an or block)

  • I'm not sure I fully understand...

    I would use:

    green box ->on created: wait 2 seconds destroy

    Though if I am reading your loop correctly it does work, but it keeps creating new ones so it never loooks like they get destroyed.

  • What confused me is that you didn't use animation triggers but instead set the animations every tick while something is true.

    Aswell as the stacked else conditions, makes it a bit hard to read. I would probably use inverted conditions instead.

  • So I would say take a look at that the AJAX plugin, this allows to load files at runtime. I would say with this it's fairly achievable.


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  • just add an inverted is Attacking to the player run animation action.

    It currently sets the animation to run every tick while the player is moving, instantly overwritting the attack animation.

    tbh I'm a bit confused how or why your character and animation controller is setup like it is.

    looks super neat though with the nice sprite and 3d camera movement

  • You could still automate the creation of the separate text objects.

    Using a text object or dictonary etc that has the whole text and then have a loop that creates a text-box per word from it.

  • Unless you would use a monospace font (means each letter has the same width) it would be difficult to determine which letter or word the player clicks, as construct only has a collider for the whole text object.

    with a monospace font you could check the position of the cursor compared to the text object and use tokenat.

    But imo it would be easiest to use seperate instances per word like oosyrag said.