The lack of better sprite support in C2 was one of the roadblocks that made me stop using it, despite liking everything else (the lack of a scene graph with true hierarchies, essential for complex projects, was the other factor... but that's off topic).
To me, the main problems with sprites in Construct are:
- Reimporting updated sprites is really essential, not just a bonus feature. A way to re-import the frames without losing all the work put into colliders, animations, etc, would be great.
- Defining the animations by loading all frames, then deleting the ones you don't want is super cumbersome from a UI design perspective. What if you delete unused frames for the first animation, then create a second? Import it all again and delete the ones you don't want again? What if you have a sprite with dozens of actions? You should be able to import the frames only once.
Bottom line is, you should be able to decouple a sprite from its bitmaps (animations, in this case, would be essentially lists of frame numbers plus attributes like loop, frame rate, etc.) , and simply load any spritesheet you want "into" a sprite.
This would mean animations are globally accessible to the project and not tied to sprites; sprites simply inherit them.
A workaround which might be possible and would be very useful is a runtime action on sprites to inherit animations from another sprite type and add it to its own animation list.
These issues reflect my own concerns. I wrote an external 'C2 sprite manager' to mass apply settings onto the caproj in an effort to bypass the UI limitation of not being able to change settings on multiple selections/animation.
More recently I'm developing a workflow by using (and modifying) Rex's AnimationLoader plugin in order to dynamically load sprites and collision data at runtime. I might actually fuse those two functionalities together in the near future.
The hack/trick I've been using for these two workflows is the use of a simple text files alongside the images to define animation data, and in the latter case, collision data, which is created in Photoshop by using paths, and written out by a .jsx which I wrote, too.
The only snag here is that the frame length per animation must be pre-defined as it cannot grow/contract during runtime.
Decoupling a sprite from its frames is very useful. It makes the program a bit less beginner friendly unfortunately, which I don't think Ashley wants.
Perhaps. What do I know of making user-friendly software? For over 5 years, I wrote this plugin once for LW to manage render passes, but the best I could do was get LW users scratching their heads.
However, I do believe that if the guts of the application is flexible and open enough, the gui/skin/front-end can be simple enough for anyone, yet accessible enough for anyone who wants to get deeper. This is also why I feel rather disappointed at the lack (of news) of an Editor SDK in C3. It would have made all the difference for me, and given the kind of 3rd-party development I see going on around here, it would have made a lot of difference to all users. Perhaps it may still be around the corner. Who knows?