fassous's Forum Posts

  • 64 X 64 URBAN FIGHT GAMEKIT — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>if you intend to make an arcade/action typed game, this gamepack of a fine looking brawl character, a rich urban tileset and other in game assets will help you much, a 64x64 spritesheet with 5 actions that are: walking - standing - slashing - shooting - fainting, All packed in a single psd/png file that contains 24 frames, a big 72 parts urban tileset , a 3 foes spritesheet with one standard animation each and multiples fx layers to help you get the same feel/look as seen in the preview image that is above</p><p>Hope you will get to love this gamepack</p>

    • Psd/Png:
    • 64x64 hero Spritesheet featuring:

    <p>walking - standing - slashing - shooting - fainting</p>

    • 64x64 urban tileset with 72 parts
    • a spritesheet with 3 foes one standard animation each (walking)
    • fx layers to help you get the same look as seen above

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  • GAMEBOY ACTION GAME PACK 4 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>An urban action gameboy Gamepack featuring sprites destined for action games, a Hero character and two foes with their full set of needed animations to build up an action game and a full ingame tileset, the file contains: </p><p>A PSD and a PNG spritesheet featuring: </p><p>32�32 hero with this animations: - Walkcycle (4 frames) - Standing animation (4 frames) - Punching animation (4 frames) - Kicking animation (4 frames) - Air kicking animation (4frames ) </p><p>32�32 bald foe with this animations: - Standing animation (4 frames) - Walking animation (4 frames) - Punching animation (4frames) </p><p>32�32 stabber foe with this animations: - Standing animation (4 frames) - Walking animation (4 frames) - Stabbing animation (4frames) </p><p>32x32 full ingame tileset </p><p>Hope you will like it</p>

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  • tnaks, now what's a downbringer palette ?

  • 32X32 GAMEBOY ADVENTURER GAMEPAC — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>This pack of gameboy game assets helps you create the perfect adventure as it contains every single element that�s required to make a 4 toned unique experience. </p><p>The game comes with 5 pngs and 5 psds: </p>

    • 32�32 hero spritesheet with 5 animations
    • 32�32 3 foes spritesheet with one animation each
    • 32�32 objects spritesheet with 15 different object to use in game
    • 32�32 unique tileset
    • A titlescreen to help you introduce the game

    <p>Hope it will suit your ideas, see more of my work and other gameboy packs on my profile</p>

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  • PLATEFORMER PACK1 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Pixelart graphics/sprites featuring 4 tilable parrallax backgrounds, 32x32 hero character with all plateforming animations,16x16 tileset ready to use instantly, works best for plateformers </p><p>The zipfile contains 4 separated files: </p><p>2 psds and 2 png: </p>

    • 4 backgrounds, layered to use for parrallax scrolling,
    • Hero character with this set of animations: Idle, Walk/run, Jump, Blow bubble.
    • A 16x16 tileset to use along with the backgrounds and the hero

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  • GAMEBOY ACTION GAME PACK 2 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>A second gameboy packed assets including a complete spritesheet of the hero's animations, a 16 x 16 tileset of the game and 2 foes with two animations each, hope it will suits your game :) </p><p>File content: </p>

    • A PSD and a PNG containing 32 x 32 character animations featuring: - Idle animation - Walk/run animation - Hit animation - Jump animation - Crouch animation - Jump and hit animation
    • A PNG containing the game 16x16 tileset
    • A PSD and PNG spritesheet containing 2 foes with two animations each

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  • BRAWLER PACK 1 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Ever dreamed of making a classical beat them up, well this spritesheet of a 90' looking brawl character will help you much, a 48x48 spritesheet with almost every possible brawling game animations: walking - standing - kicking - punching - jumping - jumping and hitting - fainting- winning pose all packed in a single psd/png file that contains 26 frames, also an additional minitileset is presented as a gift, hope you will enjoy this pack</p>

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  • PLATEFORMER ASSETS PACK 2 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Give birth to a plateforming game using these ready to integrate assets, featuring a hero character and a tileset. </p><p>File includes: </p>

    • A 20x20 character spritesheet containing six animations; walkcycle animation-standing animation-jumping animation-grabbing/throwing animation-fainting animation-winning pose.
    • A full 28 parts tileset, each tile is 20x20 px

    <p>Hope you will like it</p>

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  • PLATEFORMER ASSETS PACK 3 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Give birth to a colorful plateforming experience using these ready to use assets, featuring a 32�32 hero character, a colorful tileset with all possible plateformes and even slopes, a 32�32 3 foes animated sprisheet and a 4 parrallax backgrounds to use instantly,</p><p>File includes:</p><p>a PSD AND a PNG OF:</p>

    • A 32�32 character spritesheet containing three animations;

    <p>Walkcycle animation Standing animation Jumping animation</p>

    • A tileset, each tile is 31�31 px
    • 32�32 3 foes walk animations
    • 4 backgrounds ready to use in parrallax, resizable at wish (when resizing always lock the scale to x 2 and make sure you have photoshop�s image interpolation set to nearest neighbour)

    <p>Hope you�ll enjoy the pack</p>

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  • GAMEBOY ACTION GAME PACK 1 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>A gameboy packed assets including a complete spritesheet of the hero's animations, a tileset of the game and 2 foes with one animation each, hope it will suits your game :) </p><p>File content: A PSD and a PNG containing: </p>

    • 32 x 32 character animations featuring: idle animation - Walk/run animation - Hit animation - Jump animation - Crouch animation - Jump and hit animation
    • A PNG containing the game tileset
    • A PSD and PNG spritesheet containing 2 foes with one animation each

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  • PLATFORMER GAMEPACK 4 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Create the new year�s platforming experience using these ready to use assets, featuring a 30�30 hero character, a 24�24 snowy tileset containing all you need to build a full winter level and a single background</p><p>File includes: a PSD AND a PNG OF:</p><p>A 30�30 santa character spritesheet containing these animations;</p><p>a walkcycle animation(with and without bag), a standing animation(with and without bag) and a jumping animation (with and without bag).</p><p>A tileset, each tile is 24�24 px and a backgound</p><p>Hope you�ll enjoy the pack, you can see other plateforming packs by visiting my profile :)</p>

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  • Horizontal Shoot'em up GamePack — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>This gamepack Provides you all items needed to make a Horizontal shooting game, from the main ship to foes, including a unique environement tileset with two tilabale backgrounds to make a parallax fx, Created to help gamedevs to skin their horizontal shoot them up ,hope you will like it :)</p><p>The zip includes:</p>

    • A 32�32 animated spritesheet of the main ship - A 32�32 animated spritesheet of 6 foes (one animation each) - A 32�32 tileset with 32 tiles - A single static background - A 32�32 GUI & powerups Spritesheet

    <p>You can check my other Gamekits on my portfolio page:</p>

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  • Western ASSETS GAMEPACK — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>A 48x48 pixel art gamekit to use instantly in plateformers, shooters or runners, High quality pixel art work contaning a hero spritesheet featuring three animations, 2 foes with one animation each, a full 18 parts 48x48 tileset, UI elements and 3 backgrounds to make a parallax FX, all content is layered in single psd files (pngs also ars packed in) </p><p>FILE CONTAINS: A PSD and a PNG of: </p>

    • 48x48 TILESET (18 parts)
    • 3 BACKGROUNDS ( Tilable and scalable (power of 2))
    • USER INTERFACE ELEMENTS (15 elemnts)

    <p>Enjoy it :)</p>

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  • SOLDIERS PACK — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Wonderful Pixelart graphics/sprites featuring 2 solidiers with 5 animations each. </p><p>40 frames to use in any sidescrolling game gender, 2 different human game spritesheets All characters are 20�20 pixels Works best for sidescrolling runners and shooters Unique style 20 Frames for each character.</p><p>The zipfile contains 2 separated psd files: </p><p>Psd1: Solidier 1 (Gun man) - Walk animation - Stand animation - Shoot animation - Jump animation - Die animation </p><p>Psd2: Solidier 2 (Bazooka man) - Walk animation - Stand animation - Shoot animation - Jump animation - Die animation</p>

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  • SPACE ADVENTURER GAME PACK — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>Create an adventure through space game using this space gamekit. A pack that contains all you need to build up a beautiful looking pixel art game, the pack comes with the following files: </p><p>A 32x32 hero spritesheet with three standard animations which are; standing animation, walking animation and jump animation.In the same spritesheet you will find three foes with one standard animation each. </p><p>A 32x32 tileset that comes with all possible terrain variations even multiple slopes ( the tileset actually contains over 80 terrain parts).</p><p>A 2 fx layers that will help you get the same mood/look of the presentation jpeg shown in the game's page. </p><p>2 parallax backgrounds (to use in underground levels). 1 static background and a UI 2 bars that stand for hp and mp. </p><p>Hope you will enjoy this pack, if you are looking for other game packs be sure to visit my profile page</p>

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