facecrime's Forum Posts

  • I notice the hitch regardless of how many enemies I spawn in a wave.

    A wave contains anything from 1 to 20 enemies of different types

    A level will probably contain a 100 to 150 enemies

    I tried

    For Each: Locator_typeX->System: Compare Variable

    as well as

    Pick by evaluation: Locator.TriggerID = Trigger.UID

    without a noticeable difference.

  • Hi there,

    I built a spawning trigger system that creates enemies from invisible placeholders/locators when the player collides with a trigger.

    When all spawned units of this 'wave' are dead I execute a couple of actions, like opening a door, enable another trigger and such.

    But the system creates a noticeable hitch the moment the enemies are created and I don't get why.

    On collision with trigger:

    pick locators instances tagged with trigger's UID (repeat for each enemy/locator type)

    destroy locator

    spawn unit (only turret part of the enemy)

    store enemy UID in array (to check if wave is defeated)

    On enemy created:

    container creates missing body object for turret

    add obstacle and targets for behaviours

    pin turret to base

    store parent/child UIDs per object

    Can anyone see any inherent issue or performance killer in this so far?

    On a side note: going through all instances of an object only concerns the one in the active layout, right?

  • Hi all,

    I have. a top down game and want to make the player react to movement input (gamepad stick) with a subtle inertia for better sense of weight.

    So far instead of applying the actual stick input on the player I'm increasing a variable per axis at a fixed increment when a stick is moved. It works but takes an elaborate switch statement to cap and reset the value per axis.

    Can someone recommend a smarter solution?

  • I also quite like this one, so much in fact that i had to check your mazes of karradash 2 and here too i'm impressed with your focussed and well executed efforts! What was that made in? Hope you'll bring this one to a comparable visual level!

    I support the enemy behaviour suggestion, but I'd make sure that you focus on creating benefits for the player with these behaviours. As in make sure you create different challenges and evoke different playstyles rather than just having differnt ways to hurt the player (fire, poison,ice).

    I'm so eager to point his out because it was one of major challenges on my own project, and one of the most redeeming qualities about it. See this test version

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/action-ga ... type-10787

    Besides the self promotion hats off to what you're doing there, keep us posted with progress!

  • Thanks for your feedback Hope you played with a controller

    Good that you mentioned the boxes, the cover system is perhaps a bit lazy, but I think it works; only 50% of bullets get past cover, the idea is to encourage flanking of enemies in cover and avoid entrenching behind boxes. Curious to know if it woks out like that.

    Surprised by your difficulty rating, I might need to crank it up a notch ;P

    In my defense the first enemy is kinda broken, he should be dodging/circling you. Needs fixing.

    The boss actually has a weakspot in the back, thats what the red ball is about.

    But it's not very clear, so an expensive grenade is kind of a good alternate solution.

    Robot Jox was good silly fun right? They don't make em like that anymore (not really tho)

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  • Bringing this back to life with an update on enemy behaviours:

    After my first prototype I decided to rework my then very basic AI.

    Each enemy is now configurable in a sort of a shared state machine that actually turned out rather complex.

    I put a small Demo on the Arcade to showcase my overhauled enemy behaviours:

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/action-ga ... type-10787

    All enemies now have distinctive patterns, each archetype aiming to demand it's own play style.

    I now have fairly diverse enemy types, a few of them can be seen in this little demo:

    Standard Melee Units - approach the player and try to land a hit

    Standard Ranged Units - approach and circle the player, firing dodgeable bullet salvoes

    Ranged Sniper Units - seek cover in environment, avoiding the player, firing single shots

    Warper Units - try to teleport into the player's back to land a melee hit.

    I might update this with more levels and enemy types or the truck loads of new feature that I built since the last post as I go.

    Right now I'm busy tidying everything up and taking the project to the next stage.

    I'd be grateful for more of the very productive feedback you guys provided me with last time.

  • Hi everyone,

    I can't seem to deactivate any LoS obstacles, only add more. Is there maybe something I'm missing?

    For e.g. pathfinding lets me rebuild the obstacle map, even only partially if needed.

    And while I can add obstacles to LoS, I cant seem to remove them later.

    That seems odd and causes me some trouble atm.

    Ideally I'd like the LoS behaviour to notice that I disabled the 'solid' property of individual object instances, but I can't see how?

  • Hi everybody,

    which is faster, looping through all instances of an object and comparing a variable (2 events)

    or 'picking by evaluating' (1 event)?

  • I kinda dig the concept! Nothing like a little dystopian 80s scifi setting Makes me think of The Fortress, Running Man or Robot Jox.

    I gotta say though that the progression is a bit unclear.

    I couldn't beat the second opponent and felt i need to grind a bit to afford the needed upgrades. But that required me to 'reset' my progress, which seems to consist of locking defeated enemies and leaving me with harder ones as the only option. If you left me with multiple opponents at each stage of the progression i would have a choice. There would be room for error in my build and i could just play more to improve.

    Right now i have to cheat to move on, if I understand your progression correctly.

    Other than that there are tons of cool things to this game, like the upgrading, the ridiculous idea itself, the setting.

    Graphics could be cooler I have to admit, but what's there does the job.

    EDIT: more depth to combat would be nice too, like buying new skills and abilities or something.

    Overall, it's pretty cool, I'd like more of it all!

  • Love what I'm seeing!

    Amazing character art, controls feel pretty good (what's there).

    No real idea of what combat and such are supposed to be like in the end, so looking forward to future update

  • Cool, missed that then.

    Good stuff, hope it works out for you!

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  • Magistross Good call, thanks!

    I found that I also needed to reduce the list to only the first pick manually, cos I was making a list and disabled all entries in the first call.

    Used an additional 'Pick instance 0'.

    Working now, cheers!

  • Hi everyone,

    I want to launch a bullet at some markers by repeatedly calling this function.

    Shouldnt this build a self-reducing list of markers, of which the first one is being shot at?

    The setting or picking by boolean doesnt seem to work

  • Very nice, love it. Slick looks and juicy feel.

    Admittedly I suck at it, need to get my head around the controls.

    This has become kind of genre, right.

    Makes me think you should be selling this, why did you decide to make it free?

    Didn't see ads or monetisation there. A greater plan or pure idealism?

    Either way thanks for this.