eskimojoe's Forum Posts

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    Your site suspended all this while...

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  • There is no defamation, all is truthful and correct.

    You can very easily login to your Unity3d account but it has been banned. Even your aliases have been banned.

    Sue us, go ahead. I have witnesses who went to your business address and there is nobody of your name there, BBB even tried to contact you. You did not even respond to their letters.

    Do you want to see a picture of your website?

    Let me show it to you.

    Go to Josh's site now: Goes to:


    Your phone number on BBB is invalid phone number.

    Furthermore, your own posts show that you blatantly disregard people's IP rules and laws.

  • We contacted the West Virginia BBB. BBB send to PrionGames two letters to his business address. Both went with no response.

    It is not just us who got scammed by PrionGames LLC. Other companies tried to serve a lawsuit to them. Nobody of the surname Minger exists at that location of his address (stated of Incorporation).

  • Hi there,

    PrionGames runs a non-existent company, invalid address, invalid phone numbers, invalid websites.

    He only exists on Skype but he scams others for money. You should remove him as he tries to earn your friendship for free work. You should avoid him as he does not pay you.

    Try asking for payment for any work done. Did you ever bother to sign a contract for your work? What happens if you ask to pay up?

    If you do lots of work for PrionGames, and you demand for payment he will remove you from his Skype List as he never pays up.

  • Hi,

    This is EskimoJoe, the owners of MMO game Lands of Ammox.

    This is a company account, there are many employees here.

    You can see our website at:

  • Hi there,

    I am eskimojoe on the Unity Forums,

    Lands of Ammox MMO owners and parent company, ZPAY Payroll Systems, Inc, was scammed by this PrionGames and he harasses our staff with tort, threats and insults.

    I wish to inform the person PrionGames, I want you to go to his suspended website: which is always constantly suspended as of today. which is always parked for no reason...

    If you go put his address on Google Maps, the location shows a cemetery (who lives there?), you phone-up this guy on his WHOIS phone number, the phone number is invalid, and you are essentially signing a fake contract because his company has been delisted from West Virginia Company Registrar and does not exist on the Dunn and Bradstreet company list. The company does not even respond to BBB (Better Business Bureau) replies against that company.

    Do you want to know why this person was banned from Unity Forums:

    The use of offensive language in any form.

    Trolling or off topic discussions.

    The use of offensive language in any form.

    Discussions on pirated software or illegal activity.

    Abuse, threatening or discriminating behaviour.

    The use of offensive language in any form.

    Abuse, threatening or discriminating behaviour.

    The use of offensive language in any form.

    What did he do to the previous teams? - Keeping a domain name hostage from his previous team.

    After some time, PrionGames was banned from the Unity Forums (you can ask the UnityTech Admins about this).

    He was also banned from the UDK forums for the same reasons (you can ask the EpicGames Admin about this). His posts were deleted from the UDK forums as he started many fights with others, insults and the UDK admins had enough of him.

    The MMO you are helping him to make is illegal in the sense it infringes the elements and aspects of an existing game. Any person with half a brain would know you need to make a totally unique game and not copy elements of an existing game.

    Since that company is delisted, you are dealing with shady aliases who owns a delisted company, non-existent address (company address is invalid), websites are invalid, phone numbers are invalid.

  • Hi there,

    I am eskimojoe on the Unity Forums,

    Lands of Ammox MMO owners and parent company, ZPAY Payroll Systems, Inc, was scammed by this PrionGames and he harasses our staff with tort, threats and insults.

    I wish to inform the person PrionGames, I want you to go to his suspended website: which is always constantly suspended as of today. which is always parked for no reason...

    If you go put his address on Google Maps, the location shows a cemetery (who lives there?), you phone-up this guy on his WHOIS phone number, the phone number is invalid, and you are essentially signing a fake contract because his company has been delisted from West Virginia Company Registrar and does not exist on the Dunn and Bradstreet company list. The company does not even respond to BBB (Better Business Bureau) replies against that company.

    Do you want to know why this person was banned from Unity Forums:

    The use of offensive language in any form.

    Trolling or off topic discussions.

    The use of offensive language in any form.

    Discussions on pirated software or illegal activity.

    Abuse, threatening or discriminating behaviour.

    The use of offensive language in any form.

    Abuse, threatening or discriminating behaviour.

    The use of offensive language in any form.

    What did he do to the previous teams? - Keeping a domain name hostage from his previous team.

    After some time, PrionGames was banned from the Unity Forums (you can ask the UnityTech Admins about this).

    He was also banned from the UDK forums for the same reasons (you can ask the EpicGames Admin about this). His posts were deleted from the UDK forums as he started many fights with others, insults and the UDK admins had enough of him.

    The MMO you are helping him to make is illegal in the sense it infringes the elements and aspects of an existing game. Any person with half a brain would know you need to make a totally unique game and not copy elements of an existing game.

    Since that company is delisted, you are dealing with shady aliases who owns a delisted company, non-existent address (company address is invalid), websites are invalid, phone numbers are invalid.