use browser object if you want without plugin.
acquire for
release for
you still have to add this plugin to cordova project.
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-powermanagement
I want to donate for you, tell me how to do it?
i guess you are already patreon me. no need to donate. Thanks for support.
Can you please convert rex_nickname and rex_Lz-string Plugin too? That would be really very helpful! Thank you again! :)
Can you please convert rex_nickname and rex_Lz-string Plugin too?
That would be really very helpful! Thank you again! :)
I added to list. I will let you know when converted
tuzke here
You have to read it for installation.
p.s : I tested with construct 2. it's working. (android and ios).
I don't know if construct 3 works. because i doesn't have c3 license.
guimaraf here new link
I tested with construct 2. it's working. I don't know if construct 3 works. because i doesn't have c3 license.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Eren Can you convert it to the c3runtime? thank you :D
I've been currently working on many plugins. I can't promise but I'll try to be convert when i have time.
the value is negative. I need to convert this value to a positive
you can try abs.
you will call this code with Cordova.
Eren c3stub was invented only so peole could load in a plugin in the C3runtime so they could get rid of it. I hadn't actually intended for it to help with the C3 conversion.
c3stub was invented only so peole could load in a plugin in the C3runtime so they could get rid of it. I hadn't actually intended for it to help with the C3 conversion.
I understand. thanks for the description
not hard. I did for test. its work. when I have time i will make construct plugin and share.
for example
Acts.prototype.Pin = function (obj, imgpt, mode_) Pin(pin_to,ımagepoint,mode)
Acts.prototype.Pin = function (obj, imgpt, mode_)
Acts.prototype.SetActivated = function (s) SetActivated(activated) Acts.prototype.SetTargetAngleToPos = function (tx, ty, clockwise_mode) SetTargetAngleToPos(x,y,clockwise){}
Acts.prototype.SetActivated = function (s)
Acts.prototype.SetTargetAngleToPos = function (tx, ty, clockwise_mode)
you can download rex_rotateto and rex_pin2imagepoint here
newt Thanks for information. i'll look. if it is still work, I can convert parse plugins.
nice site. thanks.
but does the "parse" plugins still work? because parse shut down.
doesn't it work like this?
ysdk.adv.showFullscreenAdv({ var self = this; callbacks: { onClose: function() { self.runtime.trigger(cr.plugins_.yourpluginname.prototype.cnds.Onclose,self) }, onError: function(error) { self.runtime.trigger(cr.plugins_.yourpluginname.prototype.cnds.onError,self) } } });