ERAgames777's Forum Posts

  • dop2000I also tried to do it through loopindex but the result was unsuccessful, here are the screenshots:

  • dop2000I tried, but the results are not recorded from Array2 to Array1. Here are screenshots of testing:

  • I have 2 arrays (Width 100, height 10). Suppose array1 has values ​​in 2 cells, the rest are empty. Array2 has other values ​​in these 2 cells. I have a question: How to make sure that when I add new values ​​to empty cells in Array2 they are also added to Array1 in the same cells and that the old values ​​do not change the 2 occupied cells in Array1?

    Here is a screenshot of how I did, but all empty cells in Array1 are filled with the same value that I add to 1 empty cell Array2.


  • Can anyone convert or create UnityAds plugin for c3runtime?


  • ErenI checked to run it using the cranberrygame_CordovaInAppBrowser_1.0.5.c3addon plugin, but the result is the same. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I export using the built-in Scirra compiler, I need to start it via c3runtime, but the CordovaInAppBrowser plugin is not designed for this. I'm already thinking about making an input via email, there seems to be no need for CordovaInAppBrowser.

  • ErenI exported the game to android and launched but google authorization fails. What could be the reason? In the browser, Google authorization is successful, but does not want to android. The authorization window seems to want to appear but is instantly closed.

  • ErenThank! Now it really works! I made a donation on your patrione.

  • ErenYes, I tested it in c2runtime and it worked.

    The value does not react at all, even if it is entered into a variable or spritefont in c3runtime.

  • The get items count function does not work. I'm trying to display in the text but the text does not change.

  • I have one question. How can I make not only the names of players on the leaderboard appear to me, but also their image. I looked in the leaderboadrd plugin there is no query in the url_image index queries, is there a working way to display their images through the leaderbord?

  • Yes, you were certainly right that the case in the browser! I used chrome and the attempts were unsuccessful. When I tried to open through the Opera browser, the google authorization window was successful and I could choose my account. Thank you for that, but I thought that everything was lost!

  • Yes, the provider and the list of domains are included, but for some reason, the login window through Google closes as soon as it is displayed. I do it through firebase_rex plugins with construct 3 runtime, I tried the anonymous email and the input they worked, but I need authorization through google ...

  • Does not work ... The login window closes automatically when you try to log in...

    I made it according to your instructions, for 0.5 seconds I thought the white screen of authorization longer and automatically closes. In debbug, the login is highlighted and I already see the login but it lasts about 0.2 seconds and also closes.

  • Thank! I will download it and check for performance. Apparently this is what I've been looking for for a very long time;)

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  • Checked some firebase auth plugins not working properly. In authorization, if you select Google, it opens a white window for 1 second and skips authorization.

    I tried to force the result to post in the leaderboard firebase did not work. I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong, maybe you don’t accidentally have a lesson for C3 how to make it all work?