EncryptedCow's Forum Posts

  • The event 3rd from the bottom

    • For Each Monster1
    • Monster1 is live
    • Every Tick
    • > Monster1 subtract 1 from time

    Change the every tick to every 1.0 second, that event is making its timer reach zero after only 10 ticks.

  • I open it and it says it's missing the plug-in 'Time Manager'.

  • Can you post one without the plug in?

  • Warch tutorials and practice.

  • The Audio object can help a lot :)

  • Post a capx please

  • Or you could have 2 different sprites pinned to each other, and then whatever happens to break them apart just unpins them.

  • So you want people to simply give you their games? Could you elaborate on what you would like eg. pre-exported games, games already uploaded. Also, what will developers get out of this? Most people won't just give away their games to someone making an iOS website that doesn't exist yet.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • When you select the text object it will have a vertical and horizontal alignment option in the properties tab.

  • For the different graphics you could give each object a different frame in an animation for each level going from lowest to highest. Then, have a global variable called level (starting with 0) and whenever the graphics need to improve, you set each of the objects animation for to the variable level.

  • Hello everyone! So I've been messing around with Construct 2 for a little over a year now and have been developing my skills quite a bit. Today I was sitting at my computer and thought of how cool it would be to actually make a complete game. (I've made little things but have never been able to actually do a complete one due to a lack of graphics skills.) This made me decide to finally look for a team.

    I think the best thing for me to do is to first post some links to different little thingys I've made.

    Sector 6

    This is a game an online friend and I were working on until he mysteriously disappeared :( This is the farthest I've gotten with anything since I actually had someone to work with that was doing graphics and audio (He was fantastic at everything it seemed)

    Quick, Click! 2.0

    This is the only one I sort of completed (It's pretty crappy however)

    Quick, Click!

    This is the original of Quick, Click 2.0 and I probably would have just worked on this one but I deleted the .capx thinking I wouldn't work on it again.

    Those are the only 'games' I've made that I think are worth showing to you guys, if you want to request I make anything else feel free to PM me or comment and I will probably do it. (With bad graphics of course)

    I am not looking for artists to pay for their work. This would be a partnership/team project where the profits after completion are divided up.

    My favorite types of games to make are platformers and I probably spend the most time messing around with those.

    If you want to know anything else I missed (I probably missed quite a bit) ask away.

  • I don't have computer access right now but I'll make an example in the morning.

    (Edit: Read the events wrong)

    • On Object touched
    • > Play Sound

    Simple :)

  • Have a variable that is set to 1 only when the player is on that layout. So you would make an event that changes it to 1 on start of layout, then give the spawning event another condition that tells it the variable needs to equal 1

    • Object is Clicked
    • > Object 2 set animation "Throw"
    • Object 2 animation frame = 1
    • > Object 2 create new object rock at layer # image point #