Thanks all for the replies.
I attach the pic for the kind of life meter I want to make.
I think blending will do the trick.
I would like to know the best practice for game size for PC and Mobile Phone.
Currently I'm creating my first game. The size after exporting to HTML 5 is around 12MB. This is a very small game with 100event limit, but the size is 12 MB. I can't imagine how big it would be if I create games with amazing graphic and many objects like the pro. Maybe 300, 400MB? That would take "forever" to download. Isn't it?
Can Construct 2 use mask?
I would like to use it for life meter.
Yea, that works. Thanks
I want to give an extra life bonus each time a player has reach a score more than 100,000, 200,000 and so on. How to calculate this?
Ow great... This is new for me. Thank you for the replies
Does circle behavior only exist in paid version?
Because in free version there is no circle behavior.
I get the picture. Thanks
ok got it. Thank you
Let's say I have 10 Sprites. I want them to be arranged in perfect circle with one and another. What should I do to achieve this?
So what happens if you touch Covjek?
The only thing, I can think of: There's something with the conditions that is not fulfilled when you touch Covjek.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
add gravity? reduce friction?
I want to make some objects runs in a circle towards a center point, and if I move the center point, the objects follow it but still running in perfect circle.
How do I achieve this?
Simple, use timer.
event: on mouse left click
subevent: ammo>0 and subevent: on timer "ready",
action: something spawn bullet
subtract 1 from ammo
else: set timer "ready" 2.5 sec once
Thanks all for the replies. I variables are also considered as an event