Dusan's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    I have problem when want to build app with Crosswalk for Android

    This is part whit this text:



    .../tools/ant/build.xml:653: The following error occurred while executing this line:

    .../tools/ant/build.xml:679: targetApi attribute value must be >= 1


    When build with simple Android all is good. Does anyone know where is problem?

    Thank you.

  • How do I test admob in HTML5 with browser?

    I make some game and now need to add admob banner and interstitial.

    I create account on admob put ID's in plugin for Android.

    Set in C2 where to show adds and nothing...

    I need help with this.

  • On some time I see some shadows goes from right to left I think.

    give more that shadows. And some object to avoid also like shadows.

  • Give more speed. And more shadow/scary effects.

  • jillhoff that is like mine problem i think.

    Remmy112 i will have these on my mind for next try

    I deleted all and start from scratch...

    Thank you for this help.

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  • Sorry for my terrible English.

    I just want to say, when I start the game first layout is Main Meny but other layouts is active to,

    like level 01 and level 02 to. And when I pres start game is already going...

    I will try that with groups.

  • This is Event sheet of Main Many but that is nothing special.

  • Hi,

    I have a couple levels and a couple Events Sheet,

    now when I on Main Meny, other levels going in back-end...

    I mean, when I start game and don't press start in Main Meny emidiately,

    maybe 10second after I press start after that new layout loaded but game is live...

    all levels going for that 10sec...

    Where is problem?

  • Do you have enough memory and speed?

  • That is really so easy...

    Thank you anata!

  • How do I define first layout?

    If I have a couple layout where I define what layout will be loaded first in finished game?

  • Hi,

    i make quit sprite and I want to close Firefox tab when user click on that button.

    Close action from Browser don't work, work on IE but on Firefox tab don't work...

    Also I want to quit on windows 7, in future, what trigger can do that?

  • Joannesalfa you hellpe me a lot!

    I make on colison / set animation and destroy but nothing... I try to fix with wait but colision can cast a couple times during wait period.

    But now with this its works! Thank you!

  • Yesterday I deleted all and start from zero, now it's work... -,-

    But I must watch much more tutorial.

    Thank you all for you time and help!

  • This is all code...

    Does 8 direction behaviors can be problem?