I checked out your stuff on DA. You're pretty good. Some of your stuff is better than good. But you do seem to draw mostly hot chicks. There's nothing wrong with that, who wouldn't buy a game loaded with hot chicks, but you're going to have to diversify your repertoire. All kidding aside, I think when you get focused on a solid idea for your game, you'll do fine.
Yeah, my gallery is loaded with the ladies. Frankly with as many games out there that are focused on grizzled dudes with five o'clock shadows, muscles or guns to spare, the world could use a bit more hot chick-focused games. After all, you're supposed to do what you love, and what I love is to create media focused on pretty girls. But diversification isn't a problem...when the time comes to add the males, I've got plenty of designs to choose from.
Thanks for checking out my work. May we both excel in our game development pursuits.