Dualmask's Forum Posts

  • I updated the test file a bit with some improvements to controls and animations, and a new BGM track.

  • After fiddling around with C2 for many weeks, I've decided to share what I've been working on. This is only a work in progress; I'm focusing mainly on the character's movement for now. Environment graphics aren't my strong suit but I intend to work harder on them once I am satisfied with the movement and control.

    There's no game to speak of as far as win condition but she can die from taking too much damage. Anyway, please check it out and tell me what you think. Thanks in advance.

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/action-ga ... -test-1905

  • >

    > I wish Radiant Silvergun was on a system I had access to. I'd been hearing how awesome that game was for years, but never played it. (I did play Ikaruga, didn't enjoy that much).


    Well if you're willing to spend close to $200, you can pick it up on eBay fairly easily for the Sega Saturn. Or...if you have still have an Xbox 360 laying around that hasn't RROD yet then you can get it off of Xbox Live for $15. The other option is to just download the actual arcade rom for MAME, which its fully playable.

    Thanks for the info...I'm going to give the MAME approach a try.

  • make negative conditions so the animation is not stoped by other events.

    Thanks a lot, Human, that helped me figure it out. I coded it so that if the Kick animation is playing, the Platform behavior is disabled, and it's re-enabled when the animation is finished...works as intended. She stops to kick no matter how much I mash the attack button while trying to run. Seems so simple now that I think about it... my file is probably loaded with a whole lot of redundant events.

  • Make event where if animation "Kick" is played the platformer max speed is 0 and when it ends it goes back to default speed.

    Thanks, that almost worked. Only thing is now if I press the Kick button, the character freezes and I have to press it again to make her attack or move. I'm going to keep tweaking it and see if I can't figure out what to do about that. Maybe a combination of your solution and the aforementioned timer approach will help.

  • I'm trying to build a platformer in which the main character attacks with kicks. The animations work fine (haven't worked out how to actually make the kicks affect targets yet but I'll get there) but I want to make it so the player can't move during the kick animation (similar to how you're locked in place while attacking in a 2D Castlevania game, for example). I find that if I rapidly press the attack button while holding left or right (to move), the character will eventually slide a bit during the kick animation and then go into the run animation. I've tried everything I could think of (which isn't much given my limited experience) to lock the character in place during the attack but it continues to occur.

    I've never attached a .capx file before; hope I've done it right: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5PXjj ... sp=sharing

    Thanks in advance for all your help.

  • Playing Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on my Wii U (it'll have to do until I can afford to repair/replace my 3DS and get MH4), Final Fantasy Record Keeper on my Android and Soldner-X2 on my Vita. All quite fun.

  • I personally prefer female protagonists. I honestly feel like there aren't enough female characters in games that aren't designed to be "men with ****** but instead are actual women whose strength comes from powers and abilities as well as feminine qualities. I don't think there's anything wrong with a **** female lead character. The female form is beautiful and appealing and there's nothing wrong with emphasizing that. Hence why Bayonetta is one of my favorites and why I design my characters the way I do (which I hope to be sharing in due course).

    Having a playable female lead (or being able to create one) is a major selling point for me.

  • Off the top of my head:

    Tifa (Final Fantasy VII)

    Samus Aran

    Dante of Devil May Cry (not to be confused with Dante of DmC)


    Squall (Final Fantasy VIII)

  • Old school games like Gradius III and R-Type III did it for me back in the day, but more recently I find myself enjoying Soldner-X2 a lot. It's hard to find a good shump nowadays that doesn't descend into the irritating "bullet-hell" territory.

    I wish Radiant Silvergun was on a system I had access to. I'd been hearing how awesome that game was for years, but never played it. (I did play Ikaruga, didn't enjoy that much).

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  • Amazing work. The atmosphere and animation are mighty impressive.

  • Hi, I go by the name Dualmask on the web (you can find me under that username on deviantART, Tumblr, Twitter, and on FB as DualmaskArt). I'm a self-taught character designer, storyteller and writer whose always wanted to make games. I went through many different softwares for the purpose of becoming an independent game developer, and I think Construct 2 is the one I'm going to stick to. I'm a late bloomer but my dream has always been to make video games...and I hate writing code so that's what brought me here. Really liking Construct so far...I've made a little test of the engine for a character I created, and as soon as I'm able to post links on the forums, I'm eager to get some critiques and advice on how to improve. For now, I'm going to try to be an active participant in these forums because I have a lot to learn and maybe even a little bit to offer.

  • Dualmask

    I checked out your stuff on DA. You're pretty good. Some of your stuff is better than good. But you do seem to draw mostly hot chicks. There's nothing wrong with that, who wouldn't buy a game loaded with hot chicks, but you're going to have to diversify your repertoire. All kidding aside, I think when you get focused on a solid idea for your game, you'll do fine.

    Yeah, my gallery is loaded with the ladies. Frankly with as many games out there that are focused on grizzled dudes with five o'clock shadows, muscles or guns to spare, the world could use a bit more hot chick-focused games. After all, you're supposed to do what you love, and what I love is to create media focused on pretty girls. But diversification isn't a problem...when the time comes to add the males, I've got plenty of designs to choose from.

    Thanks for checking out my work. May we both excel in our game development pursuits.

  • Dualmask

    I have a nearly identical story. I guess I'm a little ahead of you though. I started with C2 a year ago. I have focused on a single game concept and it's really materializing. You may find C2 to be extremely fluid in getting your ideas into tangible form.

    I got your private message, but since I don't even have enough rep to send PMs yet, I'll have to reply here.

    I don't strictly speaking do pixel art--I use Flash and Photoshop to turn my drawings into cutout-style sprites. The URL probably won't work as you said but you can look me up on deviantART under the username Dualmask (same as here). I have a folder in my gallery titled "Sprite Work" that shows some of the characters I've made.

    • Post link icon

    I love 2D platformers more than pretty much anything. Mega Man, Castlevania, Metroid, more recent titles like Guacamelee, Moon Diver...heck, I'm even a huge Terraria fan. Those are the kinds of games I want to make...but with my own characters.