drzanuff's Forum Posts

  • Thanks! The Plugin is working now. I will test the functionalities and i will report back later. But, for what i saw until now, it's a pretty good Plugin.

  • Hello, i was testing you plugin. It seems a good alternative to PodePDF. But unfortunately it's giving me an error:

    Javascript error!

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token var http://localhost:50001/jsPDF_plugin.js, line 17 (col 2)

    I'm using r173 Stable.

  • Sorry, but, where can i download this second behavior to draw text string on the Sprite? I thought this functionality was integrated with the main behavior Sprite Effects & inject Text on Sprite. So it's two behaviors separated?

    Sorry for the insistence, but i need this for my project.

  • Hi, i'm trying to use your plugin and it's not working. I create a new project, add a sprite and the behavior. In the events i try to add a text to the sprite, change the rgb, distortion nothing works. But when i download your example, its works.

    Then i noticed a difference between sprites with the behaviors. From your example has a behavior that i can't add in my project. See the difference:



    I am using Windows XP service Pack 3 on a virtual machine using Parallels on Mac. Construct R158.2

  • Hi, Pode, great plugin. Very usefull in my current project. Is it possible to change font size? If not, i will try to use together with the canvas plugin and render the canvas inside the PDF and see what happens.

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  • I have to say. I'm very curious about this. Every now and then, i check this page to see what this is about. Please continue, i really want to hear Blossom! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I really liked your game. It is addictive enough, if you put more work on this you'll have a great game!!

  • Hello, It's been ages that i didn't log on the forums, but i felt i needed. I was browsing Rock Paper Shotgun Blog, when i found this little gem here. "Simple graphics, but the story seems interesting" was my first words when i saw the blog post. When i arrived home i was curious so i gave it a shot. My first surprise: "Wow, it's an Clay.io game... cool." Then the second surprise, "WOOOW! It's a HTML5 game... here on RPS!".

    So i started playing. Sir, i need to say, i was hooked! The story is so intense, and you want to know so bad what is happening. The writing and narrative are so great. Congratulations! The concept art it's very good, you should use then in the game somehow. And the puzzles could have been a bit more complex and longer maybe. But the final experience is incredible.

    Then, i finished the game, and i wanted to know more about the author. I was thinking. "Is it possible this game was made in Construct?" So i searched the forums for the name of the game, you know, believing i was not going to find nothing. Then my head explodes! It's a C2 GAME!!!! And featuring int the RPS Blog, a blog about PC games, you know, Indie Games, AAA Games, and a famous one. And there was, a C2 game there, receving a lot of good feedback and praise.

    Well, for me this is a victory. You see, a victory for the Scirra Team, who put a great work in this awesome engine, for austin and the Clay.io, and of course, for the Dev. A C2 game featuring in a site that reviews big releases. Ha! I'm a bit disappointed with the people in the forums tough. Come on people, give this game a try and praise the Dev. I shoud say i was never so hooked in a C2 game like this, and this proves that narrative and/or gameplay can be better than graphics.

    Cheers and Congratulations.

  • Ok, first of all, i'm not sure if it's a bug or not. I tried to do that in the 101 and in the latest Stable Release, same thing happens.

    I have two Sprites, "One" and "Two". I put then in the same family. And created a Family Instance Variable called "Number"

    • For the Sprite "One", i put the value of the variable 1
    • For the Sprite "Two", i put the value of the variable 2

    Now i go to the Event Sheet and do that:

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5143153/pick/imgs/pic1.jpg" border="0">

    So, i guessed that when i compare Family Variable -> Number = 1 , it would pick all objects in the family. And those objects picked would be remembered in the subevents. So, if you press "W", i thought it would rotate just the object "One", because its Family Variable is set to 1.

    But what happens it's unexpected, at least for me. Both objects rotate. If i press "S", the same thing. If i put like this,It works, though :

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5143153/pick/imgs/pic2.jpg" border="0">

    I think this is redundant. So my question is: Is this planned to work like that or it's a bug?

    .capx in case someone want to check:


  • Ok, first of all, i'm not sure if it's a bug or not. I tried to do that in the 101 and in the latest Stable Release, same thing happens.

    I have two Sprites, "One" and "Two". I put then in the same family. And created a Family Instance Variable called "Number"

    • For the Sprite "One", i put the value of the variable 1
    • For the Sprite "Two", i put the value of the variable 2

    Now i go to the Event Sheet and do that:

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5143153/pick/imgs/pic1.jpg" border="0">

    So, i guessed that when i compare Family Variable -> Number = 1 , it would pick all objects in the family. And those objects picked would be remembered in the subevents. So, if you press "W", i thought it would rotate just the object "One", because its Family Variable is set to 1.

    But what happens it's unexpected, at least for me. Both objects rotate. If i press "S", the same thing. If i put like this,It works, though :

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5143153/pick/imgs/pic2.jpg" border="0">

    I think this is redundant. So my question is: Is this planned to work like that or it's a bug?

    .capx in case someone want to check:


  • Great Pixel Art! I loved the style.

    Also, the "O FORTUNA" in 16 bits sound style is awesome!

    Continue the good work!

  • Austin! Thank you very much man! It's working now!

    Man! I totally missed the loopindex. My bad.

    Anyways, greate job, please, continue with the hard work that your team is putting in Clay.io. The best Construct 2 plugin ever!


  • Hello! First of all i want to thank you for this great plugin. Its concept it's awesome!

    But sadly, i am having a few problems and i can't make it to work. I read the tutorial about how implement the API and i read all the entries of this topic to see if i could find the error.

    • The first problem: (i don't know for sure if it's a Construct bug or the plugin itself)

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5143153/BugClay.IO/ActionsBug.png" border="0">

    If i pass the mouse near some actions, they disappear. If i pass again they come back:

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5143153/BugClay.IO/ActionsNotBug.png" border="0">

    In the Conditions, just the "Leaderboard Score Posted" disappears. The Construct Native's plugins work fine and the others third parties plugins too. I don't think if it's a Graphic Card problem, but i can be wrong.

    • Now the second problem. I followed the tutorial and tried to implement the API in an game of mine. When i double-click the action "Show Leaderboard", it doesn't show no window for input the parameters. It just add the action and go back to the event sheet editor. The tutorial shows this window:

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5143153/BugClay.IO/ShowBug.png" border="0">

    But for me it's no good. It shows nothing, just go back to the event sheet editor. Okay then, maybe i did something wrong. Created a blank .capx and did a simple post score and show leaderboard system. Same thing, doesn't show nothing. I downloaded the test.capx :


    And nothing too. When I run the project, any project with Clay.io or even the test.capx, this is what i got:

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5143153/BugClay.IO/noscoreBug.png" border="0">

    The debug mode it's disabled so i think i could at least post the score. But I'm not receiving data at all. I created a game in Clay.io site again, added a leaderboard to it and i got the same thing, no entries. Okay, so I searched more deeply and I found the Fetch action. Did a new post and show score system using Fetch this time. Used the Fetch like Austin explained, outside the loop:

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5143153/BugClay.IO/austinway.png" border="0">

    But it's look like that I sending a null value or receiving a null value. Cause this is the result:

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5143153/BugClay.IO/fetchbug.png" border="0">

    I'm sending this in Post Score Action:

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5143153/BugClay.IO/PostBug.png" border="0">

    I thought the APIKey could be wrong. To be sure, i created a new game, a new APIKey and a new LeaderBoard. See:

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5143153/BugClay.IO/APIkey.png" border="0">

    And the same result. I played other games at Clay.io and the scoreboard shows everything ok. If it helps, here the .capx i was using:


    Just for you know, when I post to Facebook Wall, the value goes right.

    I'm using

    • Google Chrome - 20.0.1132.57 m .
    • Windows 7 64bits.

    If you need the specs of my machine, let me know.

    Sorry for the long post. But even with some hits in the wall, I think this plugin is incredible and it will be a strong weapon for Construct 2 users. Great Job Austin, i hope you continue the good work.

    ps- Sorry for my English.