DrewMelton's Forum Posts

  • I don't know if this will help or not, but you could try it.

    Instead of trying to resize the health bar, just create a new image and use that each time the health changes.

    So, you would create another sprite or something with another health bar, and set it to appear when the player gets hurt, for example.

    You'd have to set up some code to make the proper health bar visible or invisible as the situation calls for it.

    You'd have to use something like instance variables attached to the player's health to tell it which health bar to spawn.

    Ex: if health=3 then set healthbar3 to visible and rest to invisible.

    Anyway, I'm still new to C2, so I don't know if this helped or not, but hey.

  • Thanks, I got it sorted! :)

    I had to move the origin of the hitbox to the bottom-middle. Not sure what it was doing way up in the exact center. Usually I move them down.

    I guess I moved the origin points for the player, but not the hitbox.

    It's always the little things, lol.

  • Okay, so I have a couple power-ups here. One increases your size, the other decreases it. The problem I am running into is that the hitbox does not stay in the right position.

    When the height increases, the hitbox ends up a foot too low. It's the right size, just it moves down, and I can't get it back up onto the player properly. So, he ends up standing a foot off the ground.

    When the height decreases, the opposite happens. The hitbox ends up a foot too high, and he sinks in the ground.

    I have the player pinned to the hitbox at the start of the layout.

    I set the first power-up to increase scale when touched. It sets the scale of the player to 0.9 and the hitbox to 1.2. That makes them a little bigger and about the right size.

    I set the other power-up to decrease the player's scale to 0.5, and the hitbox to 0.7. It makes them smaller, as it should.

    How do I get the hitbox to be in the right position? I tried a few things with set position, pin and unpin, and whatnot, but nothing really made it move to the right position. It always ends up either a foot too high or too low.

  • Well, I fixed the save issue. I went to preferences and turned off the auto backup feature. It now saves instantly.

    I guess I'll just back it up manually from now on.

  • Also, I don't know if it's related or not, but the pop up menus sometimes don't show up until I mouse over them, and then the text appears one at a time.

    For example, in the animations window. I right click on an animation, but none of the options like "add animation," "duplicate," etc show up until I move the mouse over them.

  • I try to use easy to remember animation names for everything, but it would be handy having a list pop up in the event sheet that showed the available animation names just for reference on the screen somewhere.

  • Well, I'll play with it some this afternoon and report back if I find out what is causing it.

  • And that's what it should take.

    I mean this thing is maybe 440kb, 9.3mb memory usage, and 47 events. I just started.

    I opened another project that I did during a tutorial, and it took about 15 seconds to save.

    I need to fix this.

  • Seriously, I need to know if it is supposed to take this long to save a project. It does this every time, no matter how small the changes are in the project. I can move a sprite one pixel over, and it will still take this long.

    I timed it to about 54 seconds, so just short of a minute. That's how long I have to wait just to save it. Naturally, this tries my patience, and I lose my train of thought.

    I just downloaded version 152 (64bit). My computer is definitely good enough to handle it. Unless there is something wrong with either my computer or C2, I don't know what to do. I save often. I'm the paranoid type. But I can't save while having to wait nearly a minute each time.

    Also, it's a small project. I don't have many tabs open. There isn't a bunch of junk running in the background either.

    Surely this is not normal. Is it?

  • That's true too. Actually, the ideal name would not contain any popular search terms where it might get lost in the shuffle. Of course, that assumes that people will search for it by its specific name. A compromise will probably have to be made somewhere though between finding a great name and a visible name.

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  • Hmm, I'll give it a look. I doubt I'll like it better than C2 though.

  • It sounds like things should be okay. I'll just make sure nothing major is using that exact name, and it should be fine.

    I'm probably going to go ahead and use the name I thought of. Unless I come up with something I like better of course. :)

    It'd probably be best to worry about copyrighting or creating a trademark after the game is successful rather than worry about it now, if it's even worth it at all.

  • Other video games, fantasy art, comic book art, old cartoons, classical paintings, etc.

    I look at a lot of older games all the way from Amiga to Sega Genesis to Arcade.

    I also break down games, record videos, analyze animation frames in photoshop, study sprite sheets, and do experiments and sketches.

    I study whatever games I think mine will play like. There's quite a long list because each game has some aspect that I like. For example, maybe I like the simple walk animation in one game, or maybe I like the sword play mechanics in a game. I use them for reference, not to copy, but to have a starting point.

    I'll list a few I guess:

    samurai shodown (arcade)

    x-men (genesis)

    golden axe series (arcade)

    shadow of the beast (amiga and genesis)

    altered beast (genesis)

    revenge of shinobi (genesis)

    most old fighting games (x-men vs street fighter, king of fighters, etc.)

    kid chameleon (genesis)

    chakan (genesis)

    ranger x (genesis)

    super castlevania iv (snes)

    symphony of the night (ps1)

  • Hmm, that article seems to be more about gameplay and getting your own copyrights.

    I need to know specifically about naming a game so I can get that out of the way and get to work on title screen graphics and whatnot. Not that I'm anywhere near completion. I just started. But might as well attach a name to it.

  • When you are naming your game, how do you know if it is okay to use the name you pick?

    Obviously, if a big name game has the same name, then it would be out, I assume, especially if your game is similar. Probably can't use it either if a popular movie uses it I guess.

    However, if our game doesn't have anything to do with those things, can we still use it?

    Made up Example: a game or movie called "The Death of War" has been out for some time, but is about WW2 or something. Our game is a medieval game about samurai or something. Can we use that title?

    For my actual game, all I saw was some crummy game on Sploder that happened to have the same title. It looks like some generic free-ware game though.

    Obviously, this is for games that are going to sell or at least put on major platforms (steam, windows 8, whatever).