dop2000's Forum Posts

  • You mean in your project, in editor?

    There is no easy way to do this. Create sprite object, copy all properties manually, change all events one by one, then delete tiled background..

    If you are brave and good with a text editor (like Notepad++), you can unpack c3p file to a folder and modify \eventSheets\*.json files.

  • You don't have any other solid objects, so the line of sight from an ant to water can't be blocked by any other object, is this correct?

    In this case you don't need LOS behavior, you can simply check if there is a water tile close to the ant.

    Use Water.PositionToTileX(ant.x), Water.PositionToTileY(ant.y) to get the tile the ant is on, and then check tiles around it.

  • lokmanocek

    You should share your caxp file, not your published mobile game.

  • Is this your own webserver or some third-party service like

    Do you have any documentation on JSON format required by this service, authentication etc.?

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  • No, go to layout does not reset groups. In fact, nothing resets groups. You need to re-activate them one by one with events.

  • You are doing something wrong. And it's impossible to tell what you are doing wrong, because you didn't provide a capx file.

  • You have a wrong event sheet selected for MenuLayout - "Overlay sheet 1".

    Which, coincidentally also has "pressStart Flash" event, that's why your Press Start button was flashing.

    One other thing - I suggest you change "Gamepad Is button down" to "Gamepad On button pressed".

    "Is" condition is continuous, while it's true, the event is repeated about 60 times a second.

    "On" is a triggered event, executed only once. Which is what you need in this case.

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    I tried all the caps of the other threads, slow fast and that of 1000sprite and C2 works well on Windows10 build 15063 (i5 quadcore and 8gb of ram).

    NN81 Build 15063 is quite old. Do you have windows update enabled and do you install all updates?

    It's likely that these performance issues are somehow related to recent (from the last few months) updates.

  • This doesn't make sense..

    A few other possible causes I can think of:

    1. your "Control parameters" group is deactivated by some other event. Try moving events out from this group to test.

    2. Layout actually changes to "GameLayout" and then some event immediately changes it back to main menu.

    If none of this helps, could you share your capx?

  • Problem Description

    In Chrome gamepad.axis(0, 3) expression always returns 0.

    "Gamepad Compare axis" event for Right analog Y axis always returns 0.

    Attach a Capx ... .capx?dl=0

    Description of Capx

    caxp displays values for all 4 axes. Also displays words Left, Right, Up, Down when right stick is moved.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    Move left and right sticks.

    Observed Result

    In Firefox all axes are working, all 4 values and all 4 words (Left, Right, Up, Down) are displayed.

    In Chrome the value for right Y axis is always 0. Words Up and Down never appear.

    Expected Result

    gamepad.axis(0, 3) to return correct value

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (NO)
    • Internet Explorer: n/a
    • NW.js: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Tested on two PCs: Windows 8.1, Windows 10

    Tested with two gamepads: Logitech Rumblepad 2, Philips gamepad

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Is the "Press start" button flashing? (this will tell you if this event sheet is active or not)

  • You can do all this a bit easier: ... .capx?dl=0

    Edit: oddly, it works perfectly in Firefox, however in Chrome the right X axis is always 0. Not sure why, maybe it's just my gamepad.

  • I'm not a fan of using "Or" with triggered events. Try splitting your event #7 into two - one On keyboard key pressed and one On gamepad key pressed, without "Or".

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    , none of the settings on Compatibility tab helped in my case.