Here are a few issues I found:
1. "Inline code" tag messes up formatting in the code (removes line breaks), or maybe I'm using it wrong? There is no explanation about it. And why do we need four different buttons for code anyway?
2. Image upload doesn't work if file extension is in capital letters (file.JPG)
Also, there should be some hint on how to insert uploaded image into message. I figured it out eventually, but many people wouldn't.
3. I posted quite a few comments today and the captcha has still not disappeared. Instead, it became even more annoying - it now asks me to select images..
4. Follow Topic button doesn't seem to work.
5. Word wrapping in Firefox not working.
And I really hope formatting and links in imported posts will be fixed soon.
Not being able to access links in posts like this list of plugins is really frustrating.