dop2000's Forum Posts

  • All layers and all objects register touch events, regardless of visibility.

    You need to add another condition to your touch events checking if the layer is visible. Another common solution is to move touch events into several event groups, which you can activate/deactivate as needed. For example, if you have a menu on a separate layer, when menu is not visible you deactivate "Menu Controls" group and activate "Player Controls". When you need to display the menu, you activate "Menu Controls" and deactivate "Player Controls".

  • Yeah, it works pretty well with my old Logitech gamepad.

  • You should use blend modes. Create a Mask sprite - a black circle on a transparent background, you can make it with soft blurred edges if you want. Put the ceiling tilemap and the mask on a separate layer, set Force Own Texture=On on this layer. Set "Destination out" blend mode on the mask sprite. You can pin the mask sprite to your character.

    If you select File-New in Construct, there is an example project demonstrating different blend modes.

  • It's not possible. You can see collision polygons only in the Animations editor.

  • I don't understand, so you are controlling both the player and the enemy?? Or is this a temporary thing, just for testing?

    Try this one:

  • It's hard to help you without seeing your code or project file. How do you move the enemies? Are they always moving towards the player?

    You can do something like this:

    Enemies compare X > (Player.X+50) .... Enemies simulate control Left
    Enemies compare X < (Player.X-50) .... Enemies simulate control Right

    This way enemies will stop within 50px from the player.

  • Is this a platformer game? Using Solid behavior with moving player and enemies is not a good idea. I would probably do this with events instead, using "is overlapping" and "is overlapping at offset" conditions.

  • You mean like a decreasing timer/energy bar?

    Or you draw the line across the bar and cut-off pieces of it?

    You need to provide more information.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • There are 4 or 5 great tutorials on multiplayer plugin by Ashley and they are a must-read! Start with this one:

    Also, check out other tutorials in the Networking section:

    Here is one example with a lobby:

  • Maybe the area you think is transparent is not really transparent. (maybe it's white or black or semi-transparent)

    Use "Browser Log canvas.alphaat(x,y)" to check alpha value in different points.

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  • R0J0hound, well, OP never explained what he needed this for. Based on his question if he could use 1px sprites, I assumed he wants to generate something like a solid terrain from custom images.

  • If you want the gravity to be constant, then on collision increase bullet speed. For example:

    set Bullet speed to (Self.Bullet.Speed*1.5)

    If you want to change gravity:

    set Bullet gravity to (Self.Bullet.gravity*0.75)

  • One of the ways to fix this is to add an invisible sprite ShipBase. This will be the object that player will be controlling, so move Drag&Drop behavior to ShipBase sprite. Also move the "Bound to layout" behavior to ShipBase. Set ship position to ShipBase on every tick.

    When you attach other parts to the ship, adjust ShipBase size accordingly, so it would always cover the entire ship.


    If your ship is irregular shape (not rectangular) and it can rotate, then the above method will not work. In this case it may be easier to add several frames/animations to the ship sprite for different ship configurations. For example, first frame for ship with no attachments, another frame for the ship with attached weapons, another frame for the ship with attached engine, another frame for both weapons+engine attached. The image in all frames can be the same, but the size of the frame and collision polygon will be different.

    Here is an example:

  • You need to paste the red image to canvas object. And then use alphaAt or redAt expressions to detect the shape of red image.

    See this demo (you need to install Canvas addon for it):


    Note that this method is quite slow and only suitable for small images. To improve performance, use bigger tile size (2x2, 4x4 etc.)