Try this:
I often use a combination of debugger and browser log. For example, in your first picking event you can add: Browser Log "First pick: " & Object.PickedCount
In the second picking event: Browser Log "Second pick: " & Object.PickedCount & ", UID: " & Object.UID
Then run in the Debug Mode, open browser console, check the log and instances.
Here is an old demo I made:
It's not very good, but it should give you the idea.
I'm pretty sure probability tables are global.
You can probably overwrite them when you move to another level, by creating new probability tables with the same names.
You have one extra comma at the end of your json strings.
Change [[1,"0"],[2,"1"],[1,"2"],] to [[1,"0"],[2,"1"],[1,"2"]]
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Yes, it's a bit confusing. In the editor axis X is horizontal. In debug X is vertical.
By the way, you can rotate the array in editor. Right-click and select Transpose. I find it easier to enter data in rows, so I often rotate if back and forth.
"Compare touch speed" and "compare touch orientation".
This is possible with expressions - Touch.SpeedAt(0) and Touch.AngleAt(0)
This should be enough for simple swipe gesture recognition, but you might also want to compare touch start and end time - to check that it was a short gesture.
Ouikka If you have a folder project, you can zip it, rename .zip file to .c3p and try opening it. See this comment.
I made this demo for another post:
It won't work on mobile though without the on-screen keyboard.
I will never in my life use the default theme
I also prefer dark themes, but all dark themes for C3 I've tried were terrible (IMO). So I'm using the default one..
Anyway, I am not suggesting you to switch the theme permanently, only for testing.
Have you tried saving as a single C3P file? Does it have the same problems?
When the project won't load, try pressing F12 and see if there are any errors in the console log.
Yeah, I would also suggest a different browser. Some other things you can try:
I think the easiest method is to add a giant invisible TiledBackground (or sprite) object with Drag&Drop behavior, and pin all platforms to that object.
On start of layout -> Platform pin to Attacher (Not the other way around!)
And don't use bar style or rope style for Pin.
oosyrag I think the camera should move independently from the player.
Naokou, You can give Bullet or MoveTo behavior to the camera sprite. (and ScrollTo of course)
Use inverted "Player is on screen" condition to check when the player is no longer visible. Or check if Player.y<ViewportTop("layername")
The way you are copying the picture is completely wrong. Currently you update 1 pixel per tick, this will take ages. And because you are waiting and loading snapshot after each pixel, it doesn't work at all.
You need to use two nested loops, to update all pixels in one tick. And only then load the snapshot. Here, I fixed your file: