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Is it possible that you are saving and loading highscore at the same time? If at the end of the level you save the highscore, and immediately restart the layout or move to another layout, where you are trying to read from Local Storage - this may cause problems on slower devices like mobiles. Ideally, you should read from LocalStorage only once when the app starts, I prefer doing this in the loader layout.
but the browser wont launch C3.
The solution is quite simple - fix whatever issue you have with the browser, launch C3, import the plugin in Addon Manager, restart C3 and open your project.
I think it's because every time when you start a new remote preview session, you get a new link. Try to reload the game on mobile without closing the preview dialog in C3. See if in this case high score will be retrieved successfully from LocalStorage.
Ashley Is this an expected behavior or a bug? How do we get the old loader styles (Progress bar, Percentage text, Nothing) in mobile exports now?
Make sure to follow the guidelines, or your bug report will be dismissed.
See Blend Modes official template in C3.
Yeah, I made a post about it:
Personally, I think it's a totally unnecessary restriction.
Alon, you can cut the animated bar using a mask sprite with a blend mode. Change the mask width from right to left.
Check that "Use simplified interface" is disabled in program settings.
Also, Local Storage may already be added to your project.
I did this:
max returns the largest of several numbers, min returns the lowest of several numbers. You can also use clamp(health, 0, MaxHealth)
It's all in the documentation :)
Tile size is 16, pathfidning cell size is 32, that's why it doesn't work. Put 16 or less.
Also, never use "find path" on every tick! Change it to "Every 1 second", or only search for path when the sprite is not moving.