dop2000's Forum Posts

  • Oh, I didn't realize that each suggestion in your original post is a link.

    Yeah, inverting background color for tilemap toolbar seems like a useful feature.

    As for cropping images on export - still think it's a very bad idea. There are lots of situations where extra transparent space in sprites is added deliberately - for example to enlarge a clickable/touchable area of a small button, or to modify the shape of a character's hitbox. Cropping images will change collision polygons and will break the game in this case. You can also have events that rely on certain sprite dimensions, for example, to create a scrolling background, or events that check BBox* properties of sprites.

    I understand that you are proposing that the feature to crop images will be an optional checkbox. But many people will still unknowingly click it without realizing that the exported game may behave differently than in preview, or contain bugs, or become completely broken.

  • Most events in Construct are if-events. In your case you can use "System Compare variable" or "System Compare two values" conditions.

    I suggest you start with Documentation and studying a few built-in templates.

  • Use double quotes:

    """This is a test"" the man said"
  • If you are making a game fully based on physics, you need to avoid using non-physics actions and behaviors. "Guard Set angle" action is not compatible with Physics, that's why guards are slipping through immovable objects.

    An easy and crude solution is to make the BarSlides wider. But the proper way to fix this is to get rid of "Set angle" actions and to rotate guards using physics actions only - set angular velocity or torque.

  • Sorry, I don't understand your issue #1. If you can't use a family, use "Create object (by name)" action.

    2) For scrolling to work you only need Camera sprite with ScrollTo behavior and one action - "Camera set position ...", copy it from my project.

  • Option to hide unused objects in inspector/debug view

    Yes! There are several existing similar ideas, you can vote for them:

    Sibling relationship for Hierarchy

    Edit hierarchy relationships at runtime

    Isn't this already implemented?

    On tile created event

    I don't think this is needed. Also, since tilemaps can have many thousands or even millions of tiles, this event can be bad for performance.

    Background brightness for Tilemaps, similar to the Sprite Editor

    Not sure what you mean, what background brightness?

    crop images project-wide

    Why would you need to crop images on export? To remove unused transparent space? I think bulk-resizing all imaged in the project is a bad idea. This can potentially break lots of things in the game - collisions, image points, tilemaps, tiled backgrounds, effects etc.

  • 1. You can create object by name in Construct3. Use "System create by name" action, for example Create "Block" & BlockNumberVariable

    Or, to create a random object you can put them all in a family and use "Create family"

    2. Check this example:

  • By the way, your post gave me an idea to pin camera sprite to the player "rope-style". It works quite well:

  • 1. Not sure what you mean. If you add many objects to a family, you can pick Family member by object name. For example:

    System Pick EnemiesFamily by evaluate EnemiesFamily.objectTypeName="ZombieSprite"

    2. Try moving the first four events on your screenshot to the bottom of the event sheet. Also, you need to use delta-time, and lerp for smoother scrolling.

    So, instead of "Rocket move 5px" use "Rocket move 300*dt pixels"

    Instead of "Set scroll X to scrollX+5" use "Set scroll X to lerp(scrollX, scrollX+5, 0.4)"

    You can try different values instead of 0.4

  • Not sure I understand, can you post a picture?

    Maybe you can use one of the effects - for example Tint.

  • Why did you start a new post about the same issue?

    Your array has width=1 and height=7. So there is only 1 element (row) on X axis. In debug mode it's shown as "A,B,C,D,E,F,G", but in fact there are 7 elements on Y axis.

    You can right-click the table in the array editor and select "Transpose" to rotate the array.

  • This is not possible with events. You should be able to access variables by string name using scripting. I think it should be something like:


    Another option is to use a Dictionary instead of instance variables. In this case you can access dictionary key like this:

    Dictionary.Get("attack" & enemyType" & "OneLand")

  • When you do number1&number2, it performs a Boolean AND operation on them, and the result will be either 0 or 1.

    If you need to make a string, use "" & number1 & number2

    Also, you might probably want to separate numbers with a comma or some other character:

    "" & number1 & "," & number2

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  • I know what you mean. You can make particles sprite with the same colors used in the sprite you want to explode, or maybe even with small pieces of the original image.

    If you want an accurate explosion effect like this (sorry, couldn't find a better example), you'll have to do it the hard way - cut the image into many pieces in editor, create a sprite with these pieces, arrange them properly on the layout. When the object explodes, move the pieces to the object position, enable Bullet with angle of motion directed from the center of the explosion.

  • Try asking in Scripting forum: