dop2000's Forum Posts

  • You can use URLencode and URLdecode expressions.

    URLDecode("data%3Aimage%2Fjpg") = "data:image/jpg"

  • It's impossible to answer without more information. How big is the project file? Run your game in Debug Mode, what values do you see here:

  • fredriksthlm Thanks for correcting me, I didn't know!

    I guess the question is really about showing the GDPR consent dialog, which is supported in the official Admob plugin.

  • Use these conditions instead: System Is Between Angles or System Is Within Angle.

    For example:

    angle(player.x, player.y, Mouse.x, Mouse.y) is withing 45 degrees of 180 
    Set animation "IdleRight"
  • It should be something like this:

    If there are other actions or sub-events in "On start of layout" which rely on values loaded from LocalStorage, you need to be aware that these values will not be loaded instantly. So you'll have to add "Wait" or "Wait for signal" or re-arrange the events.

  • Replacing color for every object in the game will be difficult and probably bad for performance. It's much easier to do with an overlay layer, just need to find a nice combination of the base color+effect. Here is my attempt, based on InDWrekt's demo:

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I'm opening the same project file in r234.4 and r241, and the text is completely misplaced..

    EDIT: This seems to be happening with some web fonts imported to the project, and when bbcode is enabled.

    Bug report:

  • Ashley I think it got much worse in r241.

    It definitely isn't centered..

    Will it stay like this now? Do we need to adjust texts in all projects?

  • You need to request this url with AJAX and parse it to JSON object. Then, if you want, you can copy data from JSON into an array.

    There is a template in C3 showing how to read from JSON.

  • Yeah, splitting the map into multiple layouts may be a much easier solution.

    I don't have much experience with multiplayer, but I'm pretty sure each peer may play on a different layout.

  • Have you tried the file I posted? It will give you the exact path.

  • Try "mission.0.conditions.0.condition1.A00"

    I made this project a long time ago, that shows path for all elements in JSON:

  • If you only need to change the color of clothes, the easiest solution would be to use Replace Color effect.

    If the images need to be different (t-shirt, long-sleeve shirt, coat etc.), you will have to attach clothes to the player using Pin behavior or hierarchy. With an animated player this may be a difficult task - you'll have to define image points for each piece of clothing in all animation frames, and probably create multiple animations for each piece of clothing as well.

  • I'm currently working on a game which has a very large map, just like you described - millions of tiles, many thousands of objects. Of course, you can't keep all these objects on the layout at all times, even if you disable behaviors and animations, the performance will be terrible.

    What I came up with was storing the objects in JSON object and recreating them in a small area around the player. And destroy objects which are outside of this area.

    One giant tilemap may be ok for performance, but you can also break it into smaller pieces. For example, make each town on a separate tilemap. Or create a grid of tilemaps. Re-create them around the player as needed.

    What I described is definitely not an easy task, took me weeks to do everything right..