dop2000's Forum Posts

  • Check out this tutorial

    Most common solution is to use Scale Outer mode, but you might need to make some changes to your game - bigger backgrounds, use Anchor for UI objects etc.

  • I believe you need to dowload echarts.js or echarts.min.js and put it to Scripts folder in the project. In script properties (on the left panel) select "Main script". If it doesn't work, try "Import for events".

  • I don't know which behavior you are using, so it's up to you to determine the moving angle of the player. In 8direction behavior it's Self.8Direction.MovingAngle. Or you can check which button was pressed:

    If Down key is pressed : Set angle1 to 90

    If Left key is pressed : Set angle1 to 180 etc.


    angle2, the angle between the player and the yellow imagepoint:

    angle(Player.x, Player.y, Shape.ImagepointX("tag"), Shape.ImagepointY("tag"))

    And to compare them use System conditions - "Is Between angles", "Is within angle", "Is clockwise".

  • You can define an image point (or set origin point) on the shape sprite at the yellow dot:

    And then compare two angles: player movement angle, and the angle between the player and the yellow dot.

    If angle1=angle2, then rotation is not required.

    If angle2 is clockwise from angle1, rotate 90 degrees.

    If angle2 is counterclockwise from angle1, rotate 90 degrees.


    You can add another condition "the difference is over 5 degrees", to avoid rounding errors.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • But however will I still need 60 events for 60 questions?

    No, this would be a wrong approach.

    Here is a very simple example:

  • > Delete the editor window > Delete the "Dimmer"

    What do you mean by this?

  • Try different releases, until you find the one that can open your file:

    Or you can check which release your project was saved with - unpack it to a folder and open project.c3proj file in notepad. Look for "savedWithRelease" value.

    You can continue developing your game in old version of Construct. There may be some bugs and some export options may not work.

    To update to the latest version you'll need to fix the addon, or remove it from your project.

  • Add a second condition after it - "System Pick Nth instance" and pick instance #0

  • Press F12 and check error messages in the console, it should tell you what exactly is wrong with the file.

  • There are quite a lot of problems..

    Events 2-5 should be done with Timer behavior on the projectile.

    NEVER use "trigger once" with objects that have multiple instances. "Ray intersected" should be nested in the same event where you cast rays.

    Instead of using 4 copies of LOS behavior, you can use one and cast a ray 4 times.

    In the functions 11-17 you need to pick the correct projectile instance by UID, otherwise it won't see the newly created instance. It would be easier to just move dots creation loops to "On space pressed" event.

    It also may be easier to use an invisible Line sprite - create 20 dots on it and add them as children to the Line sprite. Then you can just adjust the position, angle and width of the Line sprite, and all dots will re-position automatically. Or use a single TiledBackground object :

  • If an ad is shown once, this tell me that everything is working correctly. Maybe Admob just doesn't serve you more ads. Have you tried waiting a few minutes, maybe even 10-30 minutes?

    You can also debug the app in xcode and collect the console log. If there are any messages/errors from Admob, you'll find them there.

  • alastair This is great, but could you tell what exactly it patches? Is it possible to do these changes manually?

    Edit: I didn't realize this tool was by Skymen.

  • What behavior are you using? Many of the things you described are handled by 8direction/platform behaviors.

    I suggest using "simulate control" action, because setting velocity vectors directly doesn't always work as you think it should. Here is an example:

    Platform behavior has the same issue afaik.

    Acceleration/deceleration is handled by the behavior.

    Direction Change: you can detect when it happens (use a variable), and briefly increase Platform deceleration on the character. Say, set deceleration to 400, start a timer for 0.2s, on timer set deceleration value back to 200.

    Extended Jump: again, this is already implemented in the behavior - jump sustain setting.

  • This is strange, the code should work. Have you tried a different phone? Have you tried other Construct examples that use touch on this phone, do they work?

  • Use audio tags. Play all music with "music" tag, all effects with "effect" tag.

    You can use multiple tags, for example, "explosion effect", "battle music".

    Then you will be able to mute/unmute all music or effect sounds:

    Mute "music"

    Mute "effect"

    When I use the mute action, it only mutes audio that is currently playing, not any new sounds that play afterward.

    Yes, you will need to repeat mute/unmute action for all new sounds. I suggest using a function to play audio.