Doc Ai's Forum Posts

  • Hi all,

    I have started to to play with the debug thing.It's cool.

    But I noticed some weird thing.

    I have an event which spawns a sprite very 0.1 secs but it will be destroyed after fading out(Fade out behaviour enebled)

    So I would have an average of 20 objects on the layout all the time.But it occasionally rises to 200 objects and falls suddenly.

    Why is this?

  • Hy,

    this is driving me crazy...

    I'm using 'WebStorage local', but it is not working, what am I doing wrong, thanks.

    I don't have C2 on this computer,but I can help you if you tell me what you want to do.Save the highscore?Save the whole game?

  • [quote:1uikfy7i]That will also work.OP, set your "Overlapping at Offset" condition's 100 to 25.It works,and will have a nice effect.

    Changing to 25 from 100 does work beautifully. Could you explain how you came to that particular number and would it work if the distance of the sprites change?

    I don't know,I am also a newbie. I don't know why 100 doesn't work .

    I think Bertie boosters method would be the best here.

    And for your problem.Do this(A little maths)

    Bulletspeed*x=distance between the two balls(In this case,100)

    So 100*x=100


    So set it to 1 sec.

  • Tank you so much

  • You also have a manage subscriptions tab in the UCP.There you can see all the threads you are involved.

  • Oh.He's using a button.I thought it was a sprite button.Sorry

  • The coordinate of the layout starts with 0,0 in top left corner.

    All objects have an x,y value thats fits it.

    So if you want an object to move Down 50 pixel, you can just add X-amount to y. To move up you subtract X-amount from Y.

    So in your case to make it very simple, you can store store the current X,Y value of your object. And every 1 sec for instant, you move the object X-amount in the direction you want to. And then test:

    starting value - current value > 50

    If thats the case you stop the object from moving. This check you just put in the event/function that handles movement of the object. And modify it so it fits the different directions you want it to move.

    Then it will slowly move in that direction.

    That will also work.OP, set your "Overlapping at Offset" condition's 100 to 25.It works,and will have a nice effect.

  • shinkan

    Thank you.So If I want to add an object on top of,say tile X0 Y0,Will it's origin be in the center of the of the tile or a corner?I am asking this because I had to use .5 values to put it correctly.

  • What are the events?(I don't have C2 on this computer)

    Is it

    On touched buttonlayout

    • Go to layout 2

    On touched button layout2

    • goto layout one?
  • Contact for any license issues.

  • Try Set y to self.y+50*dt

  • Please share your capx. Bugs section requires to share the capx files .Unfortunately the posting template is not yet available after the upgrade.

    EDIT:Oh is that link the capx?Can't access it.

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  • Just turn the game upside down(I mean the events etc to make it fall.

  • I have found this tileX to layout X expression.(Can't remember well)

    So I found that tile second tile's finishing part of the Y axis is tileY=1

    So does that tileX start with zero?

    Is there any easier way to see the tile.X,tile.Y without counting by your self?

  • Can you please give a capx with that problem?