dmurphy's Forum Posts

  • At end of demo

    If (trial)
    change layout to purchase
    In construct that would be a global variable trial that is set to true when the game is in trial mode and when purchased it is false. Then you can check after what ever level you wish to run the check against the variable and if it's true it will send the player to the purchase screen.
    Hope I helped.
  • Right click on your event block to turn it into an or block

  • You don't give up most of the rights. You just have a build for them on 2 publishers. You get 70% of the ad income on amazon market and 14c for every play on bigrebel. You can still sell sitelocks or submit the game to other portals yourself.

  • This is how I am doing it in my game.

    The set width event is (maximum bar size in pixels/100)*percentage to next level calculated above it

    This is my level up event

    It's rudimentary but it works. I will be replacing the 1.5 multiplier though in the future with an array of set experience requirements.

  • Some UI elements

    Each zone will be themed differently. These are the bars to go around health / xp in the first, cave and cemetery zones.

  • fgl is a good place to start. Sorry I can't post a link due to not having the required karma. Just google it.

    If you haven't already included your game there you can get a 200 dollar advance for html games right now if you let them submit your game to a couple of portals for you and you integrate their API.

  • Graphics gale and asesprite are good spriting tools.

    More sprites for your pleasure

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hey guys,

    Here to announce my first game made with construct 2. It's not super complicated but I think it's fun and would like some feedback.

    Basically the game is a clicker. Like the many many other ones out there. You click something and you get points that you can spend. HOWEVER mine is different. It has RPG elements and you don't click the same thing over and over.

    This is how the game plays out.

    You start in town where you can buy upgrades and new weapons and armor and whatever else you need for your travels. You then go to the world map and depending on your level you pick the area you want to visit. In the area you are now in you are confronted with monsters that you must slay by clicking on them furiously before they kill you. When you kill them you gain experience and you level up. You also get cash you can spend back in town. The plan is to have 5 areas at launch and at least 5 monsters in each area.

    The game is about 50% completed with most of the logic completed. All that is really left is about 20% of the logic and 80% of the assets.

    Here are a few of the monsters that will be available to fight.

    Lizardmen, ogre, orcs with club, sword and bow

    Bat, snake, whipping vine, elf with bow and sword:

    Slime, Giant Spider, Dire Wolf

    I am hoping to have a demo of the game ready in about a week with one or two areas and the full game finished within the month.

    It will be a free to play and available for mobile and desktop.

  • Having the same problem. It is moving the top most pixels under the bottom most and the left most pixels after the right most pixels.

    The way around it is to pad your sprites with transparent pixels but this is not ideal.

  • Hey there,

    I am trying to get a specific variable from a specific object in a family.

    Basically I want to get the x and y values from an item that is equiped in the family.

    This is what I have so far:

    But I can't see how I can access the specific variable of the object that meets the conditions.

    Can anyone help me out here? Thanks!

  • Hey there,

    Maybe someone can help me with this. It has been wracking my brain for the last few hours.

    I am trying to figure out the best way of creating a weapon shop for my game.

    Basically what I was thinking of doing was setting temp variables each time a weapon is viewed on the store. Then when they buy the weapon and equip it those temp variables become the permanent variables for stats.

    This would be a pain though as I would have to set the variables for each and every weapon I plan to have. And I plan to have a lot. Instead I would like to just pull the instanced variables from the object they just clicked on and set them as the permanent variables.

    I could copy and paste into each weapon event the commands to set the temp variables but I would still need to go in to them all and set wep1.str to wep2.str and so on. Making it a long and arduous process.

    You can see here how I have laid out the events for the shop for two weapons using the method I have mentioned above using temporary variables.

    I would then use these saved variables on the buy button event to set the permanent variables if bought and equipped.

    It would be great if I could grab the item being called in the event initializer for e.g on touch basic_bow and use it in the actions associated with it such as this.something when an object is called in the action itself.

  • Whelp. I blame that on the late hour

    Thanks blackhornet!

  • Hey there,

    Maybe I am a little tired but should this work?

    Basically I want the text of the button to change depending on whether or not they own the weapon but it is doing nothing.

    Obviously I am wrong. Can someone help me out here? Is that not how you do an if statement inside an event?

  • Hello,

    I am trying to figure out the best way to do this.

    In my game you have one monster to attack at a time. What I would like is for this monster to become active.

    When active the game will access it's instanced variables and do stuff such as take it's variable attackPower from the players health.

    Right now this is how I am diferentiating between what mob should become active but there has to be a better way than this. Such as at the 1 second tick I would rather just have one action that is like every 1 second take active.attackPower from playerHealth.

    If there was a way to set an active monster it would be so much easier to do a lot of things such as set the enemy health bar in just one event instead of all of them.

    In another language I could make a function and just assign a variable to a parameter to it to do all the work.

    Any ideas?

  • I just looked at a view videos of this program and I have to just say.... wow. I bought it almost instantly. How the hell are you guys not charging more than 25 dollars!