djcrazypants's Forum Posts

  • Timestamp: 9/6/2012 3:48:13 PM

    Error: NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE: Component returned failure code: 0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) [nsIDOMCanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage]

    Source File:

    Line: 1388

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Why do I have the name DJcrazypants? Well... easy to remember.. I make music... better than all the other aliases I've used.

    I really love Construct 2, I kinda feel like I've wasted my money on Gamemaker and gmk. Construct 2 just makes sense.

    I have been making games since I was 11, back in those days we used Quickbasic or C++, those where the days!

    I just want to make fun games, not a crazy MMORPG, why do people want to make these without a developing team of like a 1000 people. When was the last time, you just sat down, lit one up and banged out some Mario?

  • Sorry about that. I should have read the rules.

    I am using Win7 64-bit

    Java7 64 bit

    Firefox 15

    Chrome 21.0.1180.89 m

    I downloaded Construct 2 R102 and tried to get it to work with that. Didn't work. :(

    I updated the graphics driver.

    I've been previewing the game over the network as I make it (awesome feature by the way!) and everything works fine. It opens up in my firefox perfectly. When I export it to Html 5 and upload it on my server, I use firefox to check it out and the screen is black. I have also tried using Chrome, when I use Chrome there is a little white line and when I click on the screen, it moves, I believe its the boundaries in my game. It seems like the images don't render on the browser.

    Here is the file:

    I really love Construct 2 by the way!

  • I'm getting a black screen in Chrome/Firefox when I export in version R95. I'm using the 64 bit version. I updated my Java as well. I searched for help on the forums and I found that you can use a javascript command in the html file and that doesn't work. Pleas help!
