digitalsoapbox's Forum Posts

  • SOMBRERO is on sale for only $3.99 during the Steam Winter Sale! Woo!

    And a new battle arena has been added! Double-woo!

  • How can i get this effect? I really would like to use this in my project.

    Edit: After reading everything great job!! and when this is complete please let us all use this! i have been wanting to use lighting like this for a long time and is one of a few reasons my main project is on hold. Good luck on this effect!

    It's definitely not ready for in-game use quite yet. It needs to be easier to set up and I want to see if I can put together a plugin that helps manage things a bit better, a kind of helper object that can be placed in the editor that will then generate lights at runtime. Otherwise, it's easy to lose track of which lights are static or dynamic/dynamic with different behaviors.

  • digitalsoapbox

    Path of image is Expression:ImageSource. And Expression:TilesetName , Expression:Frame also could be used.

    "flip/mirror" features are "Expression:IsMirrored", "Expression:IsFlipped", returns 1 if flip/mirror

    Maybe I'm doing something wrong? The actions below are what I'm doing, but it's not moving to the correct frame. Tiles seem to work as planned, but objects are using the wrong animation frame.

    In Tiled, a square (using an image from the tileset) is stretched to cover the floor area:

    In-Game, it's going to the wrong frame. It's not staying at frame 0, it's just going to the wrong frame - in this case, frame 18, when it should be frame 10:

  • rexrainbow

    Looking through the documents, it looks like the object doesn't return what tileset image it's using? Or am I reading it wrong? Is there an object equivalent to TIlesetName & Frame that I'm not seeing? And is object flip/mirror supported?

  • lucid

    Is there a way to apply shaders to specific parts of objects when using direct drawing mode?

  • digitalsoapbox

    That sounds right. Yeah, you'd just need to do it for one instance of a type since animations are shared with the other instances.

    Yep. Wasn't totally fun and required some changes to the way I load stages, but it's working now. Need to leave one instance on the screen while creating the others, it seems, otherwise the new instances that are created don't have the loaded images.

  • digitalsoapbox

    That's probably it exactly. At preview each image is seperate and after export the images are packed with one pixel outlines so they don't bleed into each other. You could try point sampling if it doesn't affect the look too much.

    You could undo the packing by loading the frames manually at runtime. Maybe also replace the packed images with a tiny image so it doesn't affect the VRAM usage.

    I'll have to look into that. I guess I need to set the animation, then set the frame, then load from URL? And every instance of a sprite should be using the same images, correct?

  • digitalsoapbox

    It's probably related to sampling. Maybe making the lower resolution a multiple of the higher one may help? Like if the higher res is 100x100 make the lower one 50x50 or something?

    It seems to be related to export "optimizations" C2 does. The seams don't show in preview. I really wish there were a way to turn some of that stuff off, it's not useful for desktop games.

  • SOMBRERO is available for a FREE PLAY WEEKEND on Steam!

    Check it out:

  • R0J0hound

    I'm noticing a little glitch when pasting to a lower resolution texture - seams appearing between objects.

    These seams don't appear when the resolution of the Paster object is higher, and there's no space between the objects. I could've sworn they weren't appearing before. Any ideas?

  • ThePhotons Will an update to the C2 SDK which includes the new regions be released soon?

  • digitalsoapbox

    Ok .. percent instead of float in xml file ;

    Thanks. Is Opacity from 0 to 1 or 0-100? The default value is 1 but in your example .capx it's set to 100, so I just want to make sure.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads


    > > i wish the new C3 will have a really neat looking UI, like an adobe software

    > >


    > This. The UI in C2 works great, but doesn't look that great...


    Who cares if it looks great. It is clean, understandable, simple, and easy to follow. That is all of their design goals.

    If it didn't make a difference, Adobe wouldn't have spent millions to entirely rework their UI style across their entire product line.

  • > Gigatron


    > Just noticed it seems to be ignoring the sprite's alpha channel - try your demo against a blue background.


    I forgot something sure , alpha channel ... but try to download again please ...

    Seems to be okay now. Will play with it a bit more. Can you make the tint use a range of 0-100 like the standard tint effect, rather than 0-1?

  • why not just use a canvas shader? so we dont have to apply the fx from C2? having it inside directly.

    those extra characters look interesting the little heart, that type of extra stuff wold be actually awesome to have.

    image results of using Adjust HSL FX

    The issue is having multiple colors/font weights in the same text run, which sprite fonts don't currently support. Ashley mentioned a markup language to achieve this, and as an example Unity uses a system mostly similar to HTML and I've found it to be a good solution. It has an option to generate a separate texture atlas for every required font weight, and handles them in a way comparable to having multiple animation frames in C2 - a list of assigned images, basically. It'd be nice to see a similar system in C2 and would open up a lot of interesting possibilities with fonts, even if for the time being we have to generate each texture atlas outside of C2.