dibbkd's Forum Posts

  • OK nevermind, I found out how, use the iFrame, I found a tutorial here that explains it:


  • Unique game, it's addictive, but kinda frustrating because other than the first click, it's pretty much luck how far you get. Unless I'm missing something?

    Maybe after some progress make it so you can click again? Suggestion.

    Make it so instead of the same sound effects, maybe the tone gets higher or lower based on the number of collisions. Would give your ears something to enjoy too.

    Oh, and instead of having it say "you lose" change to "play again", or quit. Make it positive.

    The first few times I played and "died", when it said 'you lose', I thought, lost what/how, what did I do??

  • Enjoyed it. Would recommend having an audio effect when hitting the opponent. And maybe hold down mouse button for continuous water balloons.

  • A Dungeons & Dragons Virtual Play Table I'm working on...

    <img src="http://www.devtest.selfip.com/tmp/battlemat_update.jpg" border="0" />


    Oh yeah, this D&D game looks nice!

  • OK - I know how to export to HTML5 and FTP the files to my site, that works fine and I've done it on a few games.

    When I do that, the game basically takes up the whole window, even when I have it 640x480, I want to make it more like the game is embedded within my website with my other menu and sidebars on my site.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Would you want the user to add their credit card information into your C2 game? Or are you talking about linking to your website for the secure transaction?

  • Yeah, they must not know about C2 or I'm sure they'd have it listed. It's great for teaching physics, math, variables, and having fun!

  • This would be awesome to have, although most of the better tutorials would be a good start!

  • Wow this thread is really inspiring! Thanks Ashley!

  • Just found out about Construct2 over the summer, have been teaching Elementary school kids (and my own kids) how to create games with it. They LOVE it!