DiabloOvermind's Forum Posts

  • Hi Calfuso ,

    Your post is not very clear. Are you saying your sprite do not "move left and right" when it collides with other sprites ?

  • Hi Jayyyyde ,

    If only the first bullet behaves how you want it, and then all other subsequent bullets do not, there must be an error in your event.

    I'm not sure how your game looks like, but like this without too much information I would use a pathfinding behavior, and use this event :

    bullet => On created => find path to "player.X player .Y"

    Then, for the 2 second timer, I would also ad a "bullet" behavior at your bullets that activates after 2 second while you deactivate the pathfinding behavior via the "set enabled/disabled" setting.

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  • Hi ramyaswetha

    It seems you are looking for a "physics" type of game.

    I personally do not have experience in this type of games, so Ill point you towards this article :

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/64/phy ... the-basics

    This should help you getting started.

    If you have any other problem with something general, don't hesitate to browse Construct 2s' tutorials !

    Have fun !

  • tarek2

    Thank you very much. Now that you pointed it out to me, it looks incredibly obvious, and I look incredibly stupid. But that's part of the learning process, I guess !

    The issue has been corrected from Rocket_Projectile.UID into Rocket_Projectile.Parent_UID (which is a variable, and not the object's UID indeed) and things works as intended.

    Thank you again, my good sir.


    I had to read that a couple of times before to understand exactly what you meant

    Surprisingly, I also help myself with text objects sometimes, when the step by step debug screen testing process isn't helping. I usually ask those texts to display variables, or whatever information I think is relevant. At first, I thought there was an object called debug, and that this would find every little bug in my program, but once I read you again I understood that was not the case, a shame thought ! But then programming would be too easy

    However, how can this debug text object could help you find problems if you do not ask it to display specific information beforehand ? Or did you mean it helps you find additional bugs while you are searching for other bugs ?

    Anyway, that's a great advice, thank you very much !

    P.S : nice reverse twisted Tetris game you got there mate !

  • Good day gentlemen,

    Here is my problem. I am (still) doing a tower defense game, and currently I am programming bullet behaviors.

    I already made my first turret shoot bullets and make the bullet subtract the correct amount of life off the enemies, but now I made a second tower, a rocket tower, but whose logic is exactly the same : it shoots bullets (rockets), and when bullets hits enemies, I want them to deal the appropriate damage, and then be destroyed.

    I literally copy/pasted the events from the first working tower to my rocket tower, and this is what happens :

    -on collision with enemies, rockets do not deal any damage

    -on collision with enemies, rockets do not become invisible, nor they are being destroyed.

    (BTW : the reason for making bullets invisible is because they would deal damage to all enemies hit at the same time instead of just one enemy, and I have been told on this very forum asking the program to make the bullet invisible would correct that, and it does. Nothing unusual here.)

    I simply don't understand whats wrong with my logic, so here I am, asking help on the forum.

    Hopefully someone will be able to help me. Thank you !

    here is a print screen of the events in question. If you need the actual game file, let me know.

  • No idea how to word this question better.

    Basically, I am trying to make a drag and drop behavior object stick to another one, IF its frame is X or Y or Z. If its not, then return to its original position.

    I'm stuck with my condition, I don't want to make one condition for every single frame, there's like 60+ of them.

    So What should I put in the event ? Right now I have this :

    __(EVT)___Object is overlapping Slot

    __(SUB EVT)____ Animation frame = 3 or 11 or 19 or 27 or 35 (using or blocks) ====> Stick to Slot

    __(SUB EVT)____ Animation frame =/= 3|11|19|27|35 ====> return to position <= this doesn't work.

    How should I put it ?

    Thank you very much, I understand this must be a very easy answer, but I cannot figure it out, I thought using the "|" would do the trick, but it does not.

  • Hi !

    Here is a screenshot of my game in progress, which doesn't have a name yet.

    Everything will be happening on this very screen, maps, waves, upgrades, etc...

    There will be a campaign, a loot system, an upgrade system, a new game+ and a new game ++ with infinite mode system, an experience bar system for your "character" (which is not on the screen directly) which levels up and gain perks, spells, boss monsters......


    My 2 biggest problems are :

    1- I never used construct 2 before, so Ill have to learn a metric load of information before I can do anything

    2- I have exactly ZERO talent in drawing, which means I have to take my sprites and everything visual from internet, and this could mean copyright issues if I end up picking something protected without knowing it.

    But anyway ! I'm on it, it's tons of fun, and Hopefully I'll be capable of finishing it one day, and release it on Kongregate or Steam !


    Any feedback so far, even if this "game" is literally nothing yet ?


  • I actually fixed my problem 1 : I simply swapped one single event from "pick bottom instance" to "pick top instance" (the only one in the whole event sheet, coupled with "if loot is overlapping with loot"

    However, now, item do not swap anymore between inventory slots (not a big deal), and also do not swap anymore same type loot from inventory into equipped slot, which makes the whole thing look noobish. Kind of a bigger deal, to me who is very strict with things.

    I somehow thought an array would be much more simple.

    However, I have NO idea how it works, even after reading basic tutorials on it.

    That's why I used a physical system.

    I'd be down for a lesson, if you care sparing some time. Or a link to a tutorial which exactly teaches that ?

    BTW : final updated version of the system : https://www.dropbox.com/s/2mq2vlmev7wn7 ... .capx?dl=0

  • Bump.

    Unfortunately I am running into two more problems :

    • One that I cant find the exact event to correct (although its not REALLY bad, unless problem 2 is not resolved),
    • One that could really be a bug, but again as a non experimented user, I just might be doing something wrong.

    Problem 1 : When swapping items, if the item dragged is equipped, both item still swap, even if they end up on the wrong equipment slot. I had the problem of the swap before between inventory and equipment slot, and resolved it for the opposite situation, when you try to swap an inventory item for an equipped item. This does not work anymore if the item would go in the wrong inventory slot.

    I might require a particular check for this situation, but I am having trouble to find the right one, since this unique situation has so much elements.

    Problem 2 : The attributes given to loot are dependent of the frame playing. This frame is set-up when the loot object is created. Rarity and type, which are attributed randomly determines which frame the sprite will be showing, thus showing item type (picture) and item rarity (background). Attributes are simply variables. When any loot is equipped, it copies its attributes onto the variable of the equipment slot sprite.

    In debug mode, I noticed that somehow, on loot created, after 1 frame, the correct attribute (atk, blk or def) was given, and after another 11 frames, the attribute corresponding to the next frame was also given. I do not understand why.

    Example : Common sword is created : its attributes are Atk 1 Blk 0 Def 0. its animation frame is frame 1. After 11 steps in debug mode, it will be also given the attributes of frame 2, which is 1 def, making the sword having both 1 atk and 1 def.

    In the event sheet, I tried to change the "compare frame" events, and changing them to not only "give X atk, blk or def" to "give X atk AND set blk to 0, set def to 0". The debug mode then shows my stats twitching every more or less 10 frames, quickly jumping from their correct value to 0, and back to their correct value a frame later.

    I hope it makes sense, if not, just test it yourself !

    If problem 1 was resolved, though, this change in stats would not be a problem, since the equipment slot only copies one single attribute of the loot.

    So if anyone can resolve problem 1, then no need to bother for tthis strange bug, although I really would like to know if its a bug or not.

    CAPX : https://www.dropbox.com/s/flfplgsn7xwia ... .capx?dl=0

  • (problems corrected, somehow figured out thinking about it during the day, and you confirmed it, thank you ! Before, I was using a "else" condition for every sub event, but it did not work. Now everything is fine !)

    For "latency" I was referencing to the very small window of time on which you see frame 0 of any loot spawned, you know, like every time it spawns, you see it being a green shield for like 1 frame, and then it transforms into the actual loot. Anyway around this ? It didn't happen before, it might be because there are too many events ?

    Speaking of events, do you think there would be anyway to reduce the number of events ?

    In my actual game, there is gonna be much more than 3 equipment slots, like maybe 8-10. This is gonna create a sh**ton of events, and I don't think I can use families to generalize events, since Every single equipment slot is unique.

    (EDIT : If I swap the logic between rarity and loot type, the frames representing loot will be "grouped" by type and not by rarity, allowing to make checks when dragging just by saying "if loot frame is between X and Y, equip it" coupled with "if loot frame if inferior to X, don't equip" and "if loot frame is over Y, don't equip". Should save dozens of events !)

    Thank you for your reply, kind sir.

  • Well im sorry man, I tried it myself too, and indeed it didnt work. I thought using the enemy UID (which is a different number for every single enemy) would make them all shoot at different times, but it takes every single enemy instead of all of them separately.

    I think a good way around would be to use the 'pick' system event. But I am myself struggling with this command. But this must be your solution, try to modify your sub event by adding a 'pick' condition to it, and experiment with it, you should end up finding your solution.

    Sorry I couldnt help.

  • Here's my take on this :

    1) Create a sprite

    2) set a global variable named "ProgressValue" or anything you want

    3) every tick => set height of "sprite" to "ProgressValue" (you can make something like *2, *5 or whatever to make the bar bigger than 100pixels.

    4) if you want some color, just edit frames of your sprite to the colors you want, lets say green and red, and then :

    5) Event : If "ProgressValue" < or = 25 => set Sprite animation to frame "1", where frame 1 corresponds to the color you want, in this case I would guess red.

    6) Event : If "ProgressValue" > 25 => set Sprite animation to frame "0", where frame 0 corresponds to the color you want, in this case I would guess green.

  • The problem is it depends of the type of cheat : if its the type of cheat that can outright modify your event sheet in some way, theres no way you can do anything against it.

    As I am not an expert at all in security, the most likely answer I could give you would be to crypt your game data and any information related to it in your server(s), so people cannot read it without cracking the code before.

  • Might be a stupid answer (im a very basic user), but you could try to use the UID of your enemies to make their shooting frequency look "random", try to use this maybe ?

    Enemy has Player in LOS

    --System : Every "EnemyUIDvalue+somethingrandom" => Spawn bullet

    What do you think ?

  • Hi guys

    Here is a loot system i'm trying to make for my game.

    There's a couple of issues I cannot fix :

    Microsecond of latency when generating loot...

    cannot get items to come back to original position when trying to equip them on wrong slot...

    items are swapping even if the swap results in some items being on a slot they are not supposed to be...

    maybe more, who knows !

    No joke, i've been working on this single file for about 10 hours straight, but this can bee explained by my close to 0 experience with the software.

    Here is the CAPX file.


    Hopefully some of you guys can help me ! Thank you very much !