DFORMS's Forum Posts

  • Start by adding an Array object to your project. Arrays are used to store multiple values in a single variable. They work like tables (rows and columns).

    In the properties set the Width and the Height. Example, if you only have one item, let's say an HP Potion, your array could be set to Width 1 (one row for one item) and Height 3 (three columns = name, hp, qty):

    Array object items [name][hp][qty] => ['HP Potion']['45']['2']

    If you have two items (HP Potion and MP Potion) the array could be set to Width 2 and Height 3:

    ['HP Potion']['45']['2']

    ['MP Potion']['25']['1']

    etc. etc. if you have more items.

    You can add as many rows and columns as you want depending on how many items you want to include in your game. Maybe use an array for your items and an array for your weapons if you have any.



  • I would use an array.

  • Pretty cool! gj

  • Wouldn't not using mirror on the NPC cause problems with the LOS?

  • Pretty cool, thanks dop2000!

  • Ok , I fixed it. It was a lot simpler than I thought. Took me forever, but it was such an easy fix... Anyways, I ended up not flipping the animations and leaving them as is. I got it working properly just by adding NPC_Soldier.X > Player.X (Idle_Left_Scanning) or if NPC_Soldier.X < Player.X (Idle_Right_Scanning).

    The issue was that the NPC of type C would mirror, but the gas mask and bag wouldn't if the player stayed next to the NPC. I have so many conditions that there must be a conflict somewhere idk. I'm planning on doing some more digging.

    I'm still new to Construct and I have much to learn. But overall, do you have any thoughts on how I built my project so far? I now it's not perfect. I've been learning as I build.

    Again, thank you for your help.

  • Awesome, thank you Lions! I will apply does changes tonight when I get the chance. Appreciate the help.


    I have the animations Walk_Left and Walk_Right cause the animations are different. Maybe if I flip the Walk_Left and cancel the mirror.

    Edit 2:

    I'm making progress!

    Edit 3:

    Nop, dead end.

  • I've been having trouble fixing the following bug.

    Basically when running past the enemies of type c (the ones with the gas mask and bag) their equipment doesn't mirror with them at the same time. It's as if there's a delay. I spent a lot of time troubleshooting this issue, but I haven't been able to fix it. I was hoping I could get some help from the community.

    YouTube video: youtu.be/RHV6CCuYMqI

    c3p: dforms.ca/mgc/MGC-v41.c3p

    The game: dforms.ca/mgc

    Thank you!


    i = inventory (drag and drop)

    r = reload

    z = crawl

    x = crouch

    f = cqc

    shift down = walk

    ctrl down = crouch

    right click = use item

    space = jump

    esc = menu (for now it's just a dev menu)

  • Hi everyone,

    I understand that sound cannot autoplay until the first input event in browsers.

    When I press enter to start game or left click to fire the sounds still wont play.

    What I'm I missing?

    Thank you.


    Every time I left click the error is logged.

    Edit 2:

    Ok, I kinda resolved the issue. I was choosing advanced when minifying. Going with simple enabled the sound to work.

  • Ok, I'll give the browser app another try. When I started my AV was preventing me from running Construct in my browser. It's working now. Hopefully I wont run into any problems. Thank you.

  • After the latest update I got the following prompt.

    I was unable to open my project (Open local project folder did nothing).

    So I tried updating to the newest version of NW.js by following the instructions in the first post, but it didn't fix the issue.

    I now have to use the nw.exe to run Construct in order to open my project. The launcher is gone... What did I do wrong?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Alright, thank you for the tip Dop. I didn't know you could do that.

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  • In order to avoid having a huge amount of events, I'm using the ReplaceSolidColor effect to create different type of enemies. Will the ReplaceSolidColor have a huge impact on the performance of my game? I would rather have one object and modify the instance variables for NPC_A, NPC_B, etc. and not duplicate all the events for each type of enemy.

    Effects > Performance: 'Using too many effects can cause poor performance, especially on mobile devices.'

    Thank you!

  • Thanks for the tip Newt!