dEspadas's Forum Posts

  • Hi, first of all, great plugins! Unfortunately I'm running into some problems.

    I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but I created a simple logic for a moving NPC using Astar and Pathfinder plugins, it works, but as the "simulation" goes the NPC starts to "cut corners", moving inside the collision sprite. I've tried to increase the resolution of the cell size, but it keeps going inside as time passes.

    I've attached a simplified capx to make my point clear, you can see that as simulation goes, the block starts to ignore the corners more and more, but not all corners. Any ideas?

    My NPC astar test

  • Hehe, yeah, but I blame most of it on the google app. That locking mechanism is really annoying sometimes, especially when you forget about it, but I guess it is needed due to the versioning that google drive provide; not sure, though.

    That lock and the fact that you can't move your google drive folder on your system are the big disappointment for me.

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  • Ashley Hmmmmm, I must say that I totally missed that option to save backup to a folder on construct preferences. It is an interesting one, i'll give a thought about how to use it in my workflow. I'm saving all plugins and examples needed to my work on the same backup project folder as well, for easy of use/consult and backup, so having everything on a single place would be better.

    Yeah, I could, but I'm using google drive as my work's backup solution, so it is better to have everything on just one place. :) In fact, dropbox has a better app all together for handling this kind of backup, from my experience, but google price/storage capabilities settled the deal for me to use it.

  • Hi, just want to suggest some sort of escape button to abort the save process.

    I use Google Drive as my backup tool, and my construct 2 project folder is inside it. It is all good, except that GD likes to lock your files before syncing its changes, and construct seems not to like that very much. If the lock happens before the save is done (e.g. when I add multiple files to the project), construct usually freezes the save progress and I cannot escape the save process to retry to save my work.

    It is not a huge deal, because I usually pauses GD before starting my work, but sometimes I forget about it, just remembering when construct freezes the save progress and then sometimes hanging to a point of no return.

    That freeze situation just happens now with me, but I was able to revert it by forcing some error on construct hitting random keys at the keyboard and then saving the work again (pausing GD before).

    Anyway, it would be nice to have some sort of "escape" key/button to the save progress so it can fail gently, letting me try to save again. Thoughts?

  • Indeed, thanks tulamide, very inspiring and thought provoking video, did not know of it before!

  • I'm following this closely too, it indeed might be huge. In a good or in a bad way.

    Interesting enough, I was reading some reviews on Nexus 7, from whom they've seem to borrow the specs, and it's not bad at all, for what it


    It will definitely not be on pair with today's or next gen consoles, but I do feel that a lot of games that I do play on my console uses way much less "power" than what it is available, so it might fit my playing style.

    And developing games for it, with all these momentum, seems very interesting, to say the least.

  • The HTML5 audio troubleshooting guide

    Interesting because it differs from my (limited) experience/knowledge about HTML5 audio support. I thought that Chrome had the better support, from the games I tested it on.

  • Ashley, no, I was not, will do that soon!

  • Hi, sorry to the OP if this comes as a thread hijack, but looking at the example that you post on google, Ashley, I came across a problem that was happening to me sometimes in Chrome. After many page reloads (F5) on Chrome the canvas image starts to get blurry ad infinitum. I was not able to reproduce it in a "reproducible manner" before, so I did not bring it up, but doing what you say on the post happens to make it start, and hitting F5 get the problem all the way through.

    Don't know if it is entirely related to the issue you are describing, but when the blurriness is at max I got this at Chrome console:

    GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glGetRenderbufferStorageMultisample: no renderbuffer bound /labs/chromewebglbug/:1

    GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glFramebufferRenderbuffer: no framebuffer bound /labs/chromewebglbug/:1

    GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glFramebufferTexture2D: no framebuffer bound. /labs/chromewebglbug/:1

    Don't know if it helps with the issue in google forums in some way. Will star the issue to get it promoted, anyway! Sorry to the OP again!

  • Just a quick note, about Ashley last comment, but Internet Explorer is also automatically and silently updated since the beginning of this year, capped by the OS limitations (IE8 on XP, 9 on Vista and 7) if I'm not mistaken.

  • So, just not to leave the question open, after some tests it seems that I need to do differently than what I initially thought. Instead of spawn -> set position to object imagepoint -> destroy once used, to my case I need to pin the sprite and control it pinned. I suppose it is the correct use, so.

    I've done a simple test with a red player box and two small blue boxes, the top pinned and the bottom with "set position to", the top behave as expected, always "attached" to the player box, but the lower one lags behind a little when you move, not what I wanted. Is it the way it should behave?

    The test:

  • Yeah, I think that it will be the way to go for now, but the problem is that it is harder to align the sprites, since the player box is empty. Probably will need to temporarily put some of the animation frames on it to align it right. Will need to change some of logic as well, since "set mirrored" is on the player sprite, not box, and the sprite misalign when mirrored; also not sure if it is advisable to flip the colision box at all.

    Just wonder if there is indeed some sort of "lagging" introduced by having multiple sprites attached to each other, or there is a right way to do that, maybe changing the logic, and I was doing it wrong.

    Thanks for the feedback anyway!

  • Hi, new to the forums, being testing the tool for the last couple of days and must admit that I'm loving it! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I was writing a long post about some odd behaviors with a test I'm doing, but while I was writing and making sure I was getting my results right, found the solution for most of my problems. Odd hicups in firefox appears to be gone from my test with the updated version (12), and the other was a silly mistake in toggling my variables, need to be more carefull with these. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    One still puzzles me: being doing a port from a previous platform game that I worked on, as a test, and needs to attach a flame sprite to the character when I do a double jump (double jump is working nice, no problem). Created, as said in the tutorials, a player box with the platform behavior, then create a sprite with the images/animations of my character pinned to player box, and then set the flame sprite to the proper imagepoint of the image sprite (Every tick -> Set position to (Player.ImagePointX("Flame"), and Y as well)). When I do a double jump standing still, the sprite seems to appear in the right spot, just a little down, but when I do it running, the sprite appears moved off center; not by much, but sufficiently to not fit right where it should.

    Am I doing something wrong?

    The animations for "double jump still" and "double jump running" are exactly the same (I mean, it is a single animation at any situation), I set the imagepoints in the right place for the double jump animation, cropped both sprites... I did a test attaching the flame sprite to the player box and did not notice this offset, just when attaching it to the other sprite.

    Does anyone have some clue about what I'm doing wrong?